CP - Candidate | Campaign

Day 1,688, 04:26 Published in Austria Austria by Prince of Austria

Hello fellow Austrians!

As u already know, i'm running for CP this month. There are many things i wanna implement, but let us just start with the basics. As for the standings in the eWorld, i wanna keep our place in the same alliance, although i really don't want our country to be occupied. So one of my truly important goals is try to liberate ourselves.

As Winston Churchill once sai😛 "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single wor😛 freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." Acquiring some of them would mean much to me and to all of our fellow citizens, i'm sure. I really want to say that i may not know everything about presidency, but i can assure u i had the best mentors. I wanna thank them for teaching me what i know today.

There are many things i wanna do if i win. One of the most important is of course the activity of the players on IRC. It really serves as a communication center if u ask me, so means its pretty important that players know where they can find us. The cabinet now is working full force, so i wanna keep some of the cabinet members, but i also want some new players, i remember thats how i got more experienced, so newbies ( don't offend 🙂 ) please contact me if u think u can handle one of the cabinet jobs, although no one is born well learned, so the important thing is that u have time and you are active.

I accept every kind of an advice, from battle warfares, to economics and foreign affairs. Would mean much to me if some of you really wants to share ideas and thoughts that would help for better Austria.

I wish good luck to the other CP candidate and I call for your vote on the 5th of July.