Day 3,538, 07:02 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

Starry-eyed an' laughing as I recall when we were caught
Trapped by no track of hours for they hanged suspended
As we listened one last time an' we watched with one last look
Spellbound an' swallowed 'til the tolling ended
Tolling for the aching whose wounds cannot be nursed
For the countless confused, accused, misused, strung-out ones an' worse
An' for every hung-up person in the whole wide universe
An' we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing


To be a socialist revolutionary means that one has to begin all over again. And to do so with an understanding that any accommodation with members of the capitalist class is futile and self-defeating. They are the enemy. They will degrade and destroy everything to get richer. They are not capable of reform.

eRepublik can be played in many ways. Since there is no objective way to win the game, approaching it from the subjective attitude of socialist revolutionary at least has the merit of preventing boredom from setting in.

In the final days of crumbling civilizations, it is typical for idiots to take over. Idiot politicians, obviously. But also... Idiot generals. Idiot economists. Idiot industrialists. Idiot journalists. Idiot intelligence operatives. Idiot professors. And idiot entertainers who produce lurid idiotic spectacles of sex, gore and fantasy.

In an epoch of collapse, the state is merely a projection of the vain sputtering, narcissistic, bloodthirsty megalomania of an Emperor who will spend anything and everything to bring back the potion of eternal life from the island of the immortals so that he can consume just a bit more cocaine and chocolate while sitting slack-jawed, drooling in front of his twitter account while the TV blares in the background at 3 in morning.

eRepublik has been collapsing for quite some time. One could even argue that it has been one long, continous implosion. Hence, here idiocy is the ideological standard, as it were, pretty much across the board.

The dark and miserable ethic of ceaseless capitalist and imperialist expansion dooms exploiters as well as the exploited. Standing on the cusp of extinction, we cast about desperately for the intelligence and imagination to break free from our deadly past.

The angel of history faces the past, gazing at numerous catastrophes that have piled wreckage on top of wreckage. The angel would like to waken the dead, to make whole what has been smashed, burned and sullied. But a storm is blowing in from Paradise, propelling the angel into the future, as the pile of historical debris grows ever skyward.

That wind is what we rather presumptuously call progress.

eRepbulik is no different from and indeed is an expression of real life in this respect. The critique of global capital and imperialism applies both the game itself as a consumer product (albeit in a banal way) and to the simulated systems of exchange, governance, extremist nationalism and warfare simulated within it (as an expression of capitalist-imperialist ideology as "entertainment").

"Ramonism" and "PQ Thought" are a direct expression of Italian autonomist and Gramscian praxis in the (albeit banal) realm of creating a "trench of struggle" against capitalist hegemony in all spheres of the cultural superstructure.

The root ideology of capitalism can accurately be characterized as magical thinking. Quotas can always be met. Corporations are people. Profits can always increase. Growth is inevitable. The marketplace is an unstoppable, natural force of history that will usher in a capitalist paradise on earth.

The merging of the self with the capitalist collective robs us of our agency, creativity, capacity for self-reflection and moral autonomy. Our worth is set by the pitiful material standards of personal wealth, brands, status and career achievements. Mass conformity of this type is the hallmark of all authoritarian and totalitarian states.

When we inevitably fail to achieve the illusions presented by capital, then we are told it is our fault. We must have more faith. We must work harder. We must visualize success. We must believe harder in magic. The system is never to blame. The snake oil salesman is never wrong. Such magical thinking infantilizes everything it touches, discrediting facts and relaties with idiotic slogans. All real problems are studiously ignored and mocked.

The capitalist Leader embodies the essence of such decay. He is the natural expression of an amoral world that is intellectually bankrupt. He is the King of the Idiots.

eRepublik has done very little to provide alternatives the capitalist collective-hive-mind approach, and what little space it has opened up tends to get shut down. That's because such things open the door to actual freedom and human solidarity, which is threatening to actual idiot-kings. An interesting example of this was when some Iranian players began to use eRepbulik to help socialize information about the Persian Awakening/Green Movement against the Ahmadinejad regime in 2009. Shortly thereafter, in-game, organizations become restricted to "national" entities, decreasing the space for autonomist communications and organizing. In-world, the theocratic mullah regime banned the game, as have other overtly-repressive RL governments.

Eugene Debs

The red carpet. Politicians who play at being monarchs and "great" leaders. Trumpets hailing their arrival. All of those things are feudal leftovers. The staff surrounding such a person is indistinguishable from a royal court. People who love money too much should stay out of politics. They're dangerous. They should stick to industry and retailing. Politics is the struggle for the happiness of all.

Even when operating on good intentions, the rich view things through the perspective of money. Everything for them is informed by wealth. They are almost as bad as religious fanatics. This kind of ideology leads directly to an Empire of Sin. Hyperconsumerism makes us forget the fundamental things. We waste our precious human strength, our short time of consciuosness on this planet, on frivolities that have little to do with human happiness.

eRepublikers should remember to tend to their flowers from time to time. 🙂

There are seldom any real political campaigns any more. There is worn-out soap opera. Some brouhaha. Occasionally a bit of frenzy. But nothing that manages to pierce the generalized wall of confusion and idiocy. There is no lack of fanaticism within various virtual bubbles. But that serves only to deepen the feeling of political unreality.

My slogan henceforth: "There is no Presidential election." (Or if you prefer the old 1960's version: "Nobody for President", that will do too.) Whatever happens, we all know the new President will be, essentially, the same as the old President.

It is not only that our politics is decrepit, but that politics itself is a derisory means of confronting the current disaster.

Even my favorite and long-time clubhouse, the SFP, is, at the end of the day, the semi-organized expression of an ongoing fit of desperate credulity. We all know that the "radical left", even the "anarchist left", once installed in power, can do absolutely nothing.

No revolution will ever be launched from the heights of the state.

Elections are not designed to allow us each to express ourselves politically, but rather to rejuvenate our adherence to the machinery of government, that we may consent to our own alienation and dispossession. They’re no more than a gigantic mechanism of procrastination. They exist to prevent us from having to think about the means and forms of a revolution that would start from what we are, from where we already are, from our existing contact with the game-world.

The nationalist consciousness is a plane of impotence and neurosis. Our power to act lies both prior to and beyond its level, overflowing it on every side.

The key problem before us is to identify that which turns us into rats running around in a maze. To question and transform the need for everything we do just to "progress" in the game. Politics, at all levels, is only the reign of feints and shenanigans.

We urgently need to re-arm our political perceptions and imagination. To decipher this game, discern whatever possibilities it contains, and locate its practicable paths. To insist that there was no presidential election, that this circus has dragged on long enough, that this world must be stopped as quickly as possible, from wherever we are, without awaiting the abyss. That is our task.

Let’s stop waiting, and reclaim confidence in ourselves. Then we can say, with confidence: “The world is finished. The journey begins.”

Honor the Memory of Eugene Debs! Smash the fash, and remember, it's OUR game.

We don't have to believe in anything, but garbage ideology smells the worst.

All Power to the People.

Burn the prisons.

Live for joy.