[Sterben4kk] How Would you monetize eRepublik? - I want your opinion

Day 4,120, 13:37 Published in Portugal Portugal by Sterben4kk

Greetings everyone.

I bring here a discussion that has always left me wondering...
(As a way to help me for a project.)

How would you monetize eRepublik?

This game has changed a lot since it first came out over a decade ago.
What could have been an immersive and complex browser MMORPG has fallen short and was dumbed down through the years. The focus changed more and more to the field of battle, and so did the monetization. I'm not complaining about this. The developers and the managers found a recipe that worked and was easy to monetize, and they must make profit.

However, this monetization is not user friendly. Before, you could buy Gold, which would help you a lot in developing you account, with strengh, training fields, companies. While Pay 2 Win (P2W) nonetheless, it was less evasive and more understandable.

However, with the military field on this game becoming more and more prevalent, the current Pack module emerged and evolved.
Now there are packs that are more or less worhtless to packs that are almost necessary for any tank who wants to call himself as such.
Without the exitence of this Packs, the game would be slower, more packed around the colaboration on soldiers (or bots and clones, don't care) and not on the shoulders of colossaly powerful tanks.
It scares newbies, poorer people and those who simply want to have a free experience.
So how could this game actually make money, in a fair way?
What could eRepublik Labs, or anyone in a similar way, do it?

There are several options (all similar but with different degrees of interference) that come to my min😛
-Donations, similar to those of Twitch (I guess), where you'd have access to some extra stuff, like new, exclusive, emojis, a decoration on your profile or something that would set you out from the pleb.
-Selling skins for your tank or airplanes, or effects you could give others on the Battlefield and everyone would see. (Prestige, I guess)
-Premium Subscription that would add some easier features to the Premium Players but that wouldn't actually give them any upper hand on the battlefield, but would make things a little easier.
-Expansions? Because, why not. Why not create some simple story modes and expansions, with stretegy and RPG elements? Would give this game a different experience, while retaining the core MMO with Geopolitical strategy.
The purpose of this article is, however, to know what you would do to monetize a game like this, since I require it for a Project Management project in college. I'd love to hear your input, opinions, and I'll be waiting for them.