*Some flashy title*

Day 4,582, 10:46 Published in India India by Visor Of Blades

I am planning to post summaries of anime here, of the anime that I have watched. I would write the summaries myself, rather than copy paste from Wikipedia, or anime wiki/fandom [FAN-dom, not FEM-dom, you hentai poster] pages. I will also include, at the start, a list of characters I felt are important in that anime (or I can omit that, depends on what people want).

If you guys are interested in anime or want to get into it, I will write up and post as regularly as I can. We can have discussions under the articles about each of the anime, to build and share interest. If people wanna skip, I will skip, that is also fine, I'm just taking a poll.

Of course, some of them I've watched years ago, and so I might mess up the spellings to some names and small parts of the story line, but I guess that should be fine, I highly doubt I've forgotten important parts of the anime.

As usual, recommendations are always welcome, I'll just add it to the list of 100+ others I still have on my watch list. Preferably non-mainstream, and any genre is fine. Anyone who suggests Golden Time gets reported for multies.