[Q America] The Seed of Doubt and the Future of The Resistance

Day 3,701, 08:45 Published in USA USA by King James88

While Pfeiffer may have won the election we all should step back an examine we are getting someone who we all should be skeptical of. Melissa Rose lead our nation our nation our well and displayed leadership as to incoming President-Elect there is only doubt sewn in our minds. We all failed to stopped Pfeiffer.

Pfeiffer may not exactly be a Donald Trump but it is someone that makes us scratch our heads and ask ourselves: why did this happen? There is been some mention that Pfeiffer has multies which helped to get into office. Nor any eRussian collusion there to speak of. Whatever the truth is we as a nation are faced with trusting Pfeiffer as he is the elected one. This is a guy who discredits anyone who speaks of hope and unity.

It may be very well be true Melissa Rose was the Last Jedi. EUSA elected a person who tore the very fabric of the spirit of eUSA in half and we got a new president of the likes of newly installed Kylo Ren-like figure who only wants power who seated himself as a supreme leader. Where someone that craves power, there is corruption. Boy do I smell the danger straight down a stinky hallway and that is the smell of leadership dying.

Yet there is still hope because I know it full well it exists. A rebellion to bring back unity, strength and the balance that our nation is fully missing. Melissa Rose is not the Last Jedi, there are many new Jedi yet to be found. The only thing is those that believe in eUSA must rally to find that person to bring this nation back into balance. True leadership must be restored in the next election.

The Resistance is alive!