[PotUS] WhydoIbotherToo Say Goodbye

Day 3,578, 18:26 Published in USA USA by WhydoIbotherToo

Good evening eAmerica, I am happy and sad at the same time. This is the last article I will be writing to you wonderful citizens as your President. I hope you have all had a great month with me at the helm.

We introduced a fantastic new program for the Department of Citizen Affairs in the AARP. For those of you that are unfamiliar with it, it rewards you with 1k worth of energy every day just for commenting on a specific post on the Country Feed. You can read about it in the article found here: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-doca-aarp-free-food-for-flying-2648007/1/20.
I highly recommend you continue using it since new PotUS, Melissa Rose, is going to continue it during her administration. Rumor has it she might even increase the supply output to 2k energy per day.

I also released AARP+ which paid people 200cc per day for fighting in the Campaign of the Day Air Rounds and posting screen captures on the eUS Discord. I gave money to an average of 6 people per day during the few days that it ran. I want to personally thank those of you that took the time to come on Discord, post your screen shot, and take my money. I consider it cc well spent.

During the last month I also deployed an airstrike at Israel. It was glorious dropping all of those bagels all over Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, ruining their bagel economy. We took the entire country in a few short days. Job well done America.

I leave you all in the capable hands of your newly elected, former PotUS, Melissa Rose. I know that she will continue to do great things for our country and for you, the great citizens.

I want to thank all of the people in my Cabinet for a great month. I could not have been anywhere near as successful without their help. I also want to take this opportunity to personally and publicly thank the MU leaders that had to put up with me in the Private Military Unit in game PM thread. I annoyed the hell out of them all month long with my directions, requests, and informational posts, but they did a fantastic job of making sure America’s Military Units were always ready to go wherever damage was needed. The eUS War Machine couldn’t operate without their collective efforts. I sincerely thank each of you.

America, you voted me into office and I am honored to have been able to serve you for the month. Thank you very much!