[FUPQ-15] Contribute to good causes

Day 3,749, 06:46 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, a woke anarka-e-communist social club masquerading as a political party in order to foment the social revolution amongst congress critters and other e-establishmentarians.

This is Lecture Number 15 of a 20-part series on Combating Tyranny. It's plagirized from a creative riff on Tim Snyder's NY Times bestseller ON TYRANNY, adapted to our New World situation by R.F. Williams, an old fart who enjoys sunny days in the winter, making home-made yogurt in high-tech machines, and playing games where nothing ever happens.

Para traducir este lío es más dificil que cagar en un frasquito, pero podéis encontrar unos traducciones al español de estas conferencias en VANGUARDIA SOCIALISTA.

Contribute to Good Causes.

Be active in organizations that express your view of e-life, whether they are political or not. Pick a charity or two to support. In this way, you will have made a free choice that supports a civil e-society and helps others to do good.

It is gratifying to do good. You can be a point of light against a darkening sky.

Sometimes we think of freedom as a contest between a lone individual and a powerful government. With the logical conclusion that the individual should be empowered and the government kept at bay.

That is all well and good. But another element of freedom is choice of association, and a defense of freedom is the activity of groups sustaining their members and helping them to thrive. Engaging in activities that are of interest to us, our friends, our families, our e-tribe is just as important an maintaining the dignity of the individual.

In fact, this is what it means to create a civil society. Sharing teaches us how to trust people beyond a narrow circle of friends and families, helps us to recognize real authorities from whom we can learn. The capacity for trust and learning makes life and play less chaotic, mysterious and fearful. It makes democratic politics plausible and attractive.

The nonpolitical activity of civil society is an expression and safeguard of freedom. All enemies of freedom are hostile to non-governmental organizations, charities and so on. They want everything institutionalized or corporatized under their control.

Authoritarians everywhere are allergic to the idea of free associations and non-governmental organizations.


At the end of this lecture series, super-fun degrees and titles will be handed out based on bribes responses provided in the comment sections. Participation counts. Indicate attendance by leaving a comment or endorsing the article. Higher honors will be awarded according to the degree of critical thinking, mindfulness and humor exhibited by responders.

Examples of questions you might want to get a group together to banter about in response to this lecture:

* What are the opportunities for creating anti-authoritarian free associations in eRepbulik?

* How can encouraging the development of an e-civil society make the game more fun?