[FUPQ-07] Be reflective when armed

Day 3,689, 19:40 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, a slightly undignified and free-wheeling collective-internationalist rave and debating society based in e-USA

This is Lecture Number 7 of a 20-part series on Combating Tyranny. It's derived from Timothy Snyder's nifty little book ON TYRANNY, adapted to our New World context by yours truly. The lecturer is me, R.F. Williams, a mysterious gaming entity who contributes little to the game except for bloviating in a shy imitation of the inimitable Phoenix Quinn.

Encuentre traducciones al español de estas conferencias en VANGUARDIA SOCIALISTA.

Be reflective when armed.

If you must carry weapons on your person in real life, or need to go about "armed" with the virtual game “weapons” of rapier wit and spiffy come-backs ( 🙂 ), but even more so, carrying the "weapons" of e-authority expressed via in-game wealth, veterancy, political clout, or connections, then, as you go about so armed, may you be blessed and keep well for all the e-days of your e-life.

And please remember that evil has a way of edging police personnel and soldiers (and, to a much less dire degree, of course, players) into doing irregular things.

Always be ready to say no.

Riot police disperse citizens who protest; they are tasked with quelling a mob. Secret state police, on the other hand, are sent out to murder dissenters. What is sometimes less well documented is the common inter-play between the former and the latter. When the state engages in mass murder of its political opponents, there is no way the secret police can do their dirty work without active assistance from regular police, civil servants, and legal professionals.

Massively mechanized death pits tend to have their origins in localized shooting pits. As such facts have continued to be uncovered, we’ve learned that it tends to be the less-well-reported, often undocumented "mundane" variety of atrocities that do the most damage.

Regular folks put into irregular situations can be convinced to do things they would never have intended to do. Anyone who serves under a murderous regime is guilty to one degree or another, of its crimes.

People use their weapons, including the "weapons" of their trade or skill, to kill or to assist in killing, just because they don’t want to stand out. Without such conformists, many atrocities would have been prevented.

In the game world, this comes across in the form of acquiescence with atrocious behavior, such as looking the other way at bullying, racism, sexism and so on, as well as not bothering to call out unfair play for fear of going against the tide.

At the end of this lecture series, super-cool certificates and various honorable degrees will be issued by Doctor Williams based on responses provided in the comment sections. Participation counts. Indicate attendance by leaving a comment or endorsing the article. Higher degrees are awarded according to the degree of critical thinking, mindfulness and humor exhibited by responders.

Examples of questions you might want to address in responses to this lecture:
* Is it smarter to find ways to endure while actively resisting evil, or to go along to get along in order to survive?
* What are the virtual equivalents to using “e-weapons” mindfully? Is there a peaceful way to play this game?