[FUPQ-06] Be wary of the politics of violence

Day 3,683, 15:30 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, an open and welcoming intergalactic anarcha-mutualist art collective and neighborhood watch based in e-USA

This is Lecture Number 6 of a 20-part series on Combating Tyranny. It's derived from Timothy Snyder's wee book ON TYRANNY, adapted to our New World context. The lecturer is R.F. Williams, a pleasant if somewhat curmudgeonly chap who contributes little to the game except for occasionally pontificating in a weak imitation of his hero, Phoenix Quinn.

Encuentre traducciones al español de estas conferencias en VANGUARDIA SOCIALISTA.

Be wary of the politics of violence.

When players with weapons who claim to be against the system start marching with e-torches, wearing ridiculous virtual uniforms and sporting the same avatar of their glorious leader, then some problems have probably just moved from bad to worse. To put it more seriously: when private paramilitaries begin to mingle and merge with the police, the end is coming for an open society.

In the real world, governments understandably seek to monopolize violence. This is actually a mixed blessing.

Although it may sound contradictory, it is when only the (legitimate, popularly-supported) government is legally permitted to use violence that a thoroughly open-ended and democratic politics is possible. Of course, a corrupt and totalitarian government monopolizes violence for exactly the opposite reason — to crush freedom, municipalism, autonomy and the participation of the demos in self-rule.

As a general principle, we can observe that the proliferation of autonomous armed groups in a free society degrades the political order. Storm troopers of whatever flavor serve mainly to intimidate their rivals and create a climate of fear.

Undermining local authority paves the way for seizure of power by bad actors. And as we have seen in previous lectures, once in power, then authoritarians quickly seek to implement a parody of “law” as a fig leaf for carrying out atrocities and crimes.

Furthermore, bone-headed sheet-wearing goober-militia-style bullying is not the only expression of this kind of thing to watch out for. There are more institutionalized forms. Paying for mercenaries to fight ones battles and paying corporations to run prisons are forms of the same thing.

Watch out for the privatization of violence, like an ‘elected’ leader creating a personal security force accountable only to himself, or forcibly removing dissenting voices from political events being held in a supposedly public space. These are examples of the problem and they deserve careful wariness.

There are those situations when it becomes necessary to arm one's community in order, for example, to chase the Klan out of your neighborhood because the government is too corrupted or too weak to protect its citizens. But that should always be the exception in a free society.

It is worth being thoughtful whenever advocating for the use of violence, or using violent language, even in play or jest. Beware the ideology of exclusion. Attacks on dissenters in the name of bogus patriotism, or based on some narrow-minded group loyalty, or as part of an overblown defense of the role of ‘the leader’ or 'the right idea' are nearly always a sign of worse things to come.

At the end of this lecture series, invaluable certificates and e-degrees will be issued by Professor Williams based on responses provided in the comment sections. Participation counts. Indicate attendance by leaving a comment or endorsing the article. Higher degrees are awarded according to the degree of critical thinking, mindfulness and humor exhibited by responders.

Examples of questions you might want to address in responses to this lecture:
* What is the point at which an autonomous or community militia, the use of violence to counter even worse violence, perhaps in self-defense, becomes necessary?
* Is there really any such thing as violence in the New World? If so, how does it manifest?