[FUPQ-03] Beware the one-party state

Day 3,664, 14:06 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, an open and welcoming internationalist anarko-syndicalist collective and mutual aid society based in e-USA

This is Lecture Number 3 of a 20-part series on Combating Tyranny. It's loosely based on Timothy Snyder's nifty little book ON TYRANNY, adapted to our New World context. The lecturer is R.F. Williams, a minor nogoodnik from nowhere who claims to be working in the spiritual tradition of that somewhat jaded guru of yore, Phoenix Quinn.

Beware the one-party state.

Parties that suppress all their rivals are not omnipresent from the start. They exploit a historic moment to make political e-life impossible for their opponents.

Defenders of democracy often tend to think that vigilance primarily means looking out for threats that come from abroad. But in fact the nature of players is such that democracy must often be defended from fellow citizens who would exploit freedom to bring about its end. As the abolitionist Wendell Phillips said, "The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each day or it is rotten."

Democracies collapse when a single party seizes power in some combination of election and coup. Once in power via elections, an authoritarian or totalitarian party may try to change the rules in its favor in order to ice out any others. Spectacle, repression and salami -- slicing off layers of opposition one by one -- are employed.

You don't know, when you make love for the last time, that you are making love for the last time. Voting is like that. Any election can be the last one, or the last meaningful one. Particularly nasty tyrants will even promote a foreign policy designed to destroy democratic society elsewhere once they've brought on the clampdown at home.

Oligarchy, particularly plutocracy (rule by the rich) and kleptocracy (more or less, rule by the mafia), tends to result when there are increasing differences in wealth. If giving money to political parties is "free speech", then the rich become "freer" than others. And if the rich have an unfair advantage in holding onto the reigns of power, then they are likely to implement increasingly unfair and undemocratic policies.

Where meaningful elections end, tyranny begins.

At the conclusion of the lecture series, amazingly cool honorary certificates and degrees will be issued by Brother Williams based on responses provided in the comment sections of each lecture. Participation counts. Indicate "attendance" by leaving a brief comment below or endorsing the article. Higher degrees will be awarded in accordance with the degree of critical thinking, mindfulness and humor exhibited by responders.