[FUPQ-02] Defend democratic and civil institutions

Day 3,659, 07:36 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, an open and welcoming internationalist anarko-syndicalist collective and mutual aid society based in e-USA

This is Lecture Number 2 of a 20-part series on Combating Tyranny. It's loosely based on Timothy Snyder's book ON TYRANNY, adapted to the New World context. The lecturer is R.F. Williams, a minor nobody from nowhere who claims to be the curator of the notebooks of that long-gone and dubiously-qualified e-philosopher, Phoenix Quinn.

Defend democratic and civil institutions.

The institutions of a civil society need to be defended against autocrats, dictators and fascists.

Constitutional rights, the press, free associations of players, and the very tradition of fair play -- all these things will fall one after another if not defended. Pick one. Defend it with all your heart.

Reasonable players expect others to act in a reasonable way. The mistake is to assume that rulers who come into power using the institutions of fair play cannot change or destroy them.

Sometimes they announce their intentions in advance. Sometimes these vital institutions are starved of their vitality and function, turned into a simulacrum devoted solely to supporting the new order.

Declaring loyalty to individual leaders is generally a vain hope.

At the conclusion of the lecture series, honorary certificates and degrees will be issued by Professor Williams based on responses provided in the comment sections of each lecture. Participation counts. Indicate "attendance" by leaving a brief comment below or endorsing the article. Higher degrees will be awarded in alignment with the degree of critical thinking, mindfulness and humor exhibited by responders.

It is the duty of every patriot and citizen to make sure that the party of corruption, the party of crooks and thieves, is destroyed.