[ABeRI - 707/708] Komando Resmi ABeRI - Let's Help Our Brother

Day 708, 20:22 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by D E P H A N

Dear SOLDIER.......

Today our brother eHungary need help....
Please prepare your self....
We need you for this battle....


FOR ABeRI & All Civilian that not fight yet and want to participate come to IRC command center for logistic & ammunition...

Str 4 - 5 = Logistik 2 Tiket + 5Q1
Str 5 - 7 = Logistik 2 Tiket + 5Q2
Str 7++ = Logistik 2 Tiket + 5Q4

Jangan Balik Dulu Setelah Turun Day 708
Day 709 Prepare for the next turn !!!
Abis turun di Day 709 baru pulang, kembali bekerja !!!!
Tunggu Komando berikutnya Day 709

Let's Go Fight at Alaska o/
Drop at Heilongjiang
