Please use Focus Groups...Please.

Day 1,192, 11:13 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

I don't want to farm, I don't want to tweet, I want eRepublik.

I want to mass message thousands of new players to tell them how to get involved and how to play the game.

I want an eRepublik Insider telling me what's going on, filling all of us in on what's happing.

I want the popups gone.

I want orgvotes gone.

I want to have a media where you shouldn't be afraid to say what's right.

I want a game where you, Admin, care about the player, where you ask us for our feedback and deliver not what you think it should be, but what we ask for.

I want you to focus less on deleting negativities about you, and focus more on promoting communication and allowing people to have a voice and help develop their own play style.

I want a game I enjoy, where I want to tell my friends about it not for a gold bonus, but because I want to have fun with them, where I send referral links to involve people, not become involved in myself.

I want to have fun. I want to play. And I want you to start doing it now.