Plan de Aviadores - Reload

Day 4,406, 04:09 Published in Peru Croatia by HIERONYMUS BOSH.

Buenos días,

A todos los aviadores nuevos o revividos que les interese un poco de apoyo se les presenta un Plan de Aviadores.

Por el momento se aceptan máximo 30 miembros, la inscripción será en el muro de la UM.


- Ser peruano, italiano, portugués, rumano o iraní (abrimos fronteras)

- Estar en la UM Grupo Aéreo Mercenario - GAM

- Comprobar existencia vía Whatsapp o por recomendación de su CP (no se aceptan multicuentas)

- Trabajar en las empresas de la MU, se pagará 1500 cc.


- Casa q1 de bienvenida (por única vez)

- 1000 de energía diario (entrega semanal) Solo si cumplen con las 7 DO

- Recompensa por ascenso de rangos (notificar en el muro de la MU)
Airman y cada * =150cc
Senior Airman y cada *=300cc
Staff Sergeant y cada *=600cc
Aviator y cada *=900cc
Flight Lieutenant y cada *=1200cc
Squadron Leader y cada *=2400cc
Chief Master Sergeant y cada *=4800cc
Wing Commander y cada *=7000cc

- Pago semanal: 1cc x oponente muerto en batallas aéreas. (Cumplir con las 7 DO)

Misiones aéreas

Cada semana habrá 1 misión aéreas, se informará en el muro de la MU el premio (cc + pan)


-Se pierden todo beneficio por inactividad.
-Intento de engaño genera baneo permanente del Plan de Aviadores.

Good Morning,

A new Aviators Plan is presented to all new or revived airmen who are interested in some support.

At the moment 30 members will be accepted, the inscription will be on the wall of the MU.


- Be Peruvian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian or Iranian (open borders)

- Be in the MU Mercenary Air Group - GAM

- Check existence via WhatsApp or on the recommendation of your CP (multi-accounts are not accepted)

- Work in the companies of the MU, 1500 cc will be paid.


- Welcome house q1 (one time only)

- 1000 daily energy (weekly delivery) Only if you complete the 7 DO

- Reward for rank promotion (notify on the wall of the MU)

Airman and each * = 150cc

Senior Airman and each * = 300cc

Staff Sergeant and each * = 600cc

Aviator and each * = 900cc

Flight Lieutenant and each * = 1200cc

Squadron Leader and each * = 2400cc

Chief Master Sergeant and every * = 4800cc

Wing Commander and every * = 7000cc

- Weekly payment: 1cc x opponent killed in air battles. (Comply with the 7 DO)

Air missions

Each week there will be 1 aerial mission, the prize (cc + pan) will be reported on the wall of the MU


-You lose all benefits due to inactivity.

-Trying to deceive generates permanent banning of the Aviators Plan.