New JIA Soldiers List

Day 621, 18:17 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Greetings eJapan,

It is me, your humble SecDef Geno Garon, here to present you with the new format of the Japanese Imperial Army.

The Army is split up into two divisions; the Mobile division (made up of people who CAN be moved out of the country without affecting government offices), and the Guard division, made up of exceptionally dedicated citizens who are otherwise unable to leave Japan because of other duties. These two divisions each have been split into two parts to reflect dramatic time zone differences to maximize the likelihood of a leader and his or her squad being on during the same time frame. Note: these names, and subsequent nicknames, are free to change based on the commanders of those units and their personal flair.

Click here to view the new JIA roster.

To be perfectly clear, the mobile division will NOT be sent all willy-nilly across the globe if there are perfectly good opportunities in Japan to train in. Instead, they are the division that is able to move to aide our allies in case of dramatic and immediate need. The Guard division, on the other hand, is a growing defense against invasion that supplements the power of the Mobile forces, while also allowing government officials to see what it's like inside the beast we call the army, and to help run and fund it more efficiently.

As you can see from the roster, we have citizens from all walks of life in the army, both Mobile and Guard. In fact, one of my newest assistants, DemeD, is less than three weeks old to the game, but his fervor and spunk has opened him a spot that may lead to great things. On the flip side, the prestigious Walorm has come alongside me to help facilitate the army's smooth transition back into action. To round out our group, the infallible Minamoto Yoritomo is lending his incredible eye for detail and talent with spreadsheets, facts and figures to ensure that things go smoothly.

Now, to address a rather disturbing situation that arose today. During the past weeks when the army was inactive, I, as Secretary of Defense, have continued my training, so that I may better serve and defend Japan when it is needed. Several have called these actions into question, and I, looking back, I can see how terribly selfish it must look. I assure you, I never had anything but the best of intentions, but I must insist that I have erred, and as such, will make reparations for my mistake.

Since today saw the tail end of a training war in it, the next one will likely start tomorrow around noon server time. As a gesture of apology and good will to the soldiers and taxpayers of Japan, I will be personally funding the first operation of the new army. All soldiers are to participate, and all who do shall receive 5 Q1 weapons, as that was the training I gave myself. I hope the people of Japan will forgive my oversight and the deplorable state of the army until now, and will look forward to a new, healthy and vibrant force to protect Japan, her assets, and her allies. I believe in Japan. Would that she would believe in me just a little while longer...

~ Geno Garon, SECDEF

P.S. Until rank and file are firmly established, PLEASE contact ANYONE YOU KNOW that is on the roster, and get them to vote this article up. Hell, even if they're not on the roster, ask them to vote it up. I think the soldiers of our great nation, the Righteous Nation, have sat in slumber long enough.