My 2 cents about the recent graphic changes.

Day 4,977, 09:46 Published in Austria Austria by Yhamilitz the Night Watch

Hello everyone. I'm using the previous desing because this is just a fast article.

I came here writing a short article talking about the “little updates” that I can see here. So, let’s not waste time and go directly to my thoughts about it, and maybe some of you will agree with me, maybe some not. But well… Let’s begin

Graphic Design

If there is something that I personally think is very important at the time you offer a product, is their presentation. And well, I can say to myself that because of my division, I need to invest at least 15 Euro per month. 15 Euro that in my personal opinion it is not a huge damage to my economy, most of the time (As I win in American Dollars). Instead of going to eat at a Whataburger (If you are from Texas, you will know, if you are not from Texas, is like McDonalds, but with better burgers) I spend that amount of Euros instead of going to Whataburger 1 or 2 times. I don’t really pay a lot of bills, but well, you got it. I pay for something specific. And there is a product in which I am supporting. It is a basic free market.

Don’t think of Erepublik as a game for some of us, think of it as a product. A product with an identity. And I know, there will be some big changes for day 5,000. I am not going to be a “Karen” about it.

But, you also need to know: Erepublik had some of the nicest graphics I had seen on similar games. At least in my opinion. You take this out, and the game is so much less attractive.

Yes, they actually also have a good Cell Phone App (I have it with me, even if I don’t use it so much) But I want to show you something:

Look guys: I understand, admins need to make changes to the game because it's actually close to being 14 or 15 years old or existance. They need to think of new generations to come. Yes, changes are good, but these changes need to be changes that need to make something more desirable.

I am not a Graphic Design person, but I began to design stuff in Erepublik. And I had used those skills to make things where I or an Organization can get money from nice advertising.

If you are a programmer, I know you probably will not care because people who focus on programming prefer efficiency over graphics. And I actually have some experience working in programming, and we like the easy stuff. The thing here is that sometimes, a good design needs to be attractive to the eye. And goes to a more general audience. Not all people here are programing people. Not all use some apps to get some information more easily. Most players us just the vanilla design from the webpage.

Just remember: At the end, we are clients of a product. And if we are not satisfied with this, we can choose another one. I am one of those who do not need the military module to play this. I still imagine Erepublik as a special place because of what I had experienced here (I'm going to talk about it in the near future, because well, you gonna see) Still, things like this, makes people like me just try to spend less time on the webpage. I can still use Telegram or WhatsApp for talking with some people ingame, but… my clicks inside the webpage can just reduce.

I had survived some changes for over 12 years. And I’m not joking, I survived the Erepublik Rising, a Change that I personally liked, but a lot of people do not. But as I was not spending money on the time, I know, the customers had some power on that time. Maybe this does not affect the playability. But just make the game so much less attractive for playing it.

Maybe I just reacted as if I was eating a cold soup. And maybe this is just part of a change that will happen on day 5,000 and will have a nice looking.

Still at the end, we don't know. And I know, many people here became pesimistic because of their experience.

I need to work on another Article so… see you later guys.

Y disculpen que no escriba en Español. Pero en realidad no lo vi muy práctico. Tengo que hacer un articulo más importante. xD