Looking Back

Day 5,335, 15:03 Published in Canada Canada by Majial

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and (my apparent stalker) Tembutt

It's been a long time since i wrote one of these i've been inspired by reading some of my old articles from way back when i was an enthusiastic new eCanadian.

I spoke a lot about why i left eUS and why i felt coming here was right.

At the time eUS was using the Unity system (or whatever) each politician was hand picked every election was predetermined and people were expected to do as they were told or they'd get blacklisted etc.

There was a mass exodus a majority of us came here (speakee English? Yes) we literally marvelled at how free eCanadas elections were (I wrote about how different/unique it was after the time we'd spent just clicking where we were told to click)

We integrated and became eCanadians, made friends, joined parties and got involved, I love being here i'm not hugely vocal (anxiety issues etc blah blah) but i will occasionally speak up and say what's bothering me.

Well right now it seems eCan has adopted the Unity thing and it's so sad and cynical. The worst part for me was while looking back through old articles and comments, I realised that the people who fought hard back then to keep eCanada from becoming that way are now fighting even harder to make sure we vote how they want us to.