JIA Situation Report September 2009

Day 660, 08:56 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Japanese Imperial Army Situation Report September 2009

"A conventional army loses if it does not win. A guerrilla army wins if... the eRepublik servers go down!"
-KITA Ikki, eJapan Minister of Defense

Many all over the world have followed the Theocratic invasion of eSouth Korea and witnessed
the first real trial-by-fire of the Japanese Imperial Army. With the help of allies, the Japanese Imperial Army, consisting mainly of medium-strength captains and colonels fought well-funded Theocratic field marshals and their allies to a standstill for four days. In the end, the Gyeonggi-do Resistance War succeeded only after a five hour period of server maintenance occurred at the end of the battle.

Perhaps if the Theocrats had opened diplomatic channels with appropriate authorities, the entire war could have been avoided. But this is a military publication, not a forum for politics. On to the good stuff!

JIA Budget

The budget request of 3000 JPY (approximately 96 gold at current exchange rates) for September JIA operations was approved by unanimous congressional vote. The related vote and debate can be found in the national forums here:


All JIA expenditures for the month of August-September (to include weapons and gold donations as well as who received them) the war against the Theocratic incursion into eSouth Korea) can be viewed here:


Promotion List

The Ministry of Defense would like to congratulate the following JIA members for their battle achievements and has promoted them to the respective ranks:

Peter McGoon
Miyagi Kesuke


Lauri Mursu
KITA Ikki (yes, yours truly will finally make it in about 2 days)

Creation of the Japanese Imperial Navy

The Ministry of Defense has authorized funding for an additional government operated military organization. Defense Minister KITA Ikki proclaimed this: "In keeping with our fine national heritage, I hearby create the Japanese Imperial Navy (JIN)" and smashed a bottle of SAKE on the side of the JIN Zuikaku II. The first commanding officer of the JIN is Chaotic1, who assumes duties effective immediately.

New Weapons Company

To be created later this month, the latest defense bill funding Ministry of Defense
operations included funding for the creation of a Q4 weapons company. This will be staffed
largely by volunteers from the ranks of the JIA itself and will establish a stockpile of
high Q weapons needed for emergency use during war time. Raw materials will be procured
from eJapanese-operated companies to ensure quality control over the products, from start
to finish.

JIA Personnel

Depending on the budget situation, the JIA/JIN will be adding additional recruits. More information will be released later about who to contact. Recruiting standards are established in the following article:

JIA Recruiting

Priority consideration for JIA enrollment will be given to those individuals who volunteer their labor at the eJapanese-operated, foreign-based companies:

Imperial Steel
operated by Dragonforce Imperial

Mugen Metal Works
operated by Mugen Corp

Black Dragon Mining operated by Black Dragon Society

Individuals wishing to participate in the program should contact the JIA org in a private
message to verify employment details.

Final Notes

On behalf of eJapan, the Ministry of Defense wishes to thank all of our many allies who assisted us in the war effort. They are too numerous to list here, but will likely be specifically mentioned in a future government publication. eJapan is not a military power, but we have fought against those who were, and we can be proud of what we stood for in the face of adversity.

Minister of Defense