JIA Situation Report August 2009

Day 641, 20:25 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Japanese Imperial Army Situation Report
August 2009

Japanese-Korean Relations
The Ministry of Defense congratulates South Korea on its newly won independence and hopes to promote a strong relationship through high-level contacts with the South Korean Guard and Ministry of Defense. Japanese Minister of Defense KITA Ikki presented South Korean Minister of Defense Spade with a shiny Q2 weapon that he made himself at Black Dragon Arms in Fushimi, Kinki region. The defense minister presented the weapon and made the following statement: "This katana symbolizes the strength of Japanese-Korean relations. I hope you can stab someone in the face with it in defense of your country and perhaps gain some rank in doing so."

JIA Personnel
The current number of JIA personnel stands at 22 members. The resignation of longtime members Geno Garon, Laurana Psion, and Katsuraan were offset by some recent new recruits. Many prospective recruits were recent immigrants to Japan, and as such, a waiting period was deemed necessary to ensure that the new recruits would be staying long-term. The Ministry of Defense strongly encourages former North Koreans returning to South Korea to join the South Korean Guard.

Recruiting to reach the target number of 30 will be opened up again after the congressional elections at which time the applications of many newer citizens will be reevaluated and congressional hearings will likely be held on the matter. To those of you who applied more than a week ago, I have not forgotten or ignored your applications, but the Ministry of Defense has an obligation to the Japanese taxpayer to ensure that their taxes are spent in the most efficient manner possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Promotion List

The Ministry of Defense would like to congratulate the following JIA members for their battle achievements and has promoted them to the respective ranks:


Peter McGoon

Weapons Distribution
To date, since August 11th, 162 Q1 weapons have been distributed to members of the JIA. The production of weapons continues at the Nippon Weapons company. Any privately-owned companies which would like to put in bids for providing weapons to the JIA are requested to do so in a private message to the JIA organization.

Battle Damage Contest
Soldiers of the JIA are strongly encouraged to fight everyday in order to gain rank quickly. Soldiers of the same rank (lieutenant, captain, colonel, etc.) will have an opportunity to earn recognition through the new "Battle Damage Contest." Whichever soldiers are able to gain the most damage points in a bi-weekly period of time will be recognized by the Ministry of Defense for their outstanding performance.

Minister of Defense