JIA Now Recruiting

Day 629, 08:31 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Would you like to be ON A BOAT?

The Japanese Imperial Army is now recruiting! The Ministry of Defense has authorized an additional three regular soldiers to increase force strength as well as six new recruits from the citizens of lower ranks.

As an island nation, Japan can defend itself with a powerful Navy! Please consider joining now!

The Japanese Imperial Army organization is accepting applications. Please look at the minimum requirements below and submit an application to the Japanese Imperial Army that includes:

1) your current strength
2) rank and damage points
3) how many Q1 weapons you can provide daily on your own
4) if you would be willing to work in a company that produces weapons for the use of the JIA soldiers.
5) your future plans--if you are staying in Japan long-term, plan to run for congress, start a business


Regular JIA unit
-lieutenant rank and above
-strength minimum 6.2
-positions will be given to the best candidates

Training unit
Citizens over one month old, but less than 45 days:
-at least 4.5 strength
-hard worker medal on your 30th day

Citizens over 45 days ol😛
-sergeant rank
-5.5 strength

-sign-in and actively post training results in the nipponblog.net national forums
-use weapons for training everyday
-be available for training exercises
-follow instructions from chain-of-command
-notify chain-of-command in the case of absences or quitting

In keeping with the principles of the Righteous Nation, the Ministry of Defense will ensure that Japan remains strong enough to deter attacks and counter-threats to our nation and its allies all over the world.

Minister of Defense