Interview with the president of eUK!!!

Day 3,914, 15:33 Published in United Kingdom USA by Hillary Clinton1

Hello everyone, i come with an interview with the president of eUK- Mr Immanuel Kant, i really hope u will enjoy this!

1. Hello to u Mr. President - Mr Immanuel Kant, the president of eUK thank you for agree to make this interview with me, would u agree at first to introduce yourself?

Hello, My name is Mr Immanuel Kant (MIK). I am old. Sometimes fun, sometimes serious but always old. Ive played this game for a very long time, and done a lot throughout the game. People can always message me to find out more or find me on discord.

2. What u love the most about eRep?

The people, and the community. I have most fun on things like Discord with all the banter and fun that has.

3. Tell us please how is to be CP again and what do u plan to bring to eUK this term?

Well this is the 6th CP election I have won, but it is the first time I have been elected as CP in the eUK. This is a very important month because we need to organise ourselves. We need to work with the dictator while we are under dictatorship, but we need to vocally oppose everything he does wrong. My job is to basically mop up the mess that the Dictator causes and make sure it does not permanently damage the eUK’s reputation internationally.

4. U are here in this game since 2010 how do u conclude ur way so far?

Ive pretty much done everything. Everything I do is for fun and enjoyment, certainly a few years ago I was not well liked by some countries or people because I did things my way. Ive played erepublik in several different ways but I always play to bring fun and enjoyment for myself and others. It is a game after all.

5. Tell us shortly about eUK economy

The eUK isn’t an incredibly large economy, and our recent embargo on Romania has not helped. There has been tax reductions in the eUK under the dictatorship meaning players have more disposable wealth to invest in factories and so on. However this does mean that the UK has less money to spend.

6. What is the hardest war against eUK that u remember?

There have been many hard wars, from my memory the hardest have always been when the eUK has been attacked by multiple opponents at the same time.

7. Can u expand in words about any hard war eUK had to face?

One particulally hard battle I recall was when the USA, Canada, Norway and I think Ireland all coordinated. This was years ago so My memory of it isn’t great, but it wasn’t a great time.

8. Why did UK decide to make a massive air strike aginst eIsrael and what was the results of this strike?

DEUS VULT That’s why! Well UKFinest wanted an Air Strike, and after the first vote failed to pass he decided to relaunch the same proposal. The second time he thought he would vote for his own idea. Because of game mechanics only the dictator gets a vote, after Alfa had stopped arguing with himself and picked a side we were off.
I and several other members of the community opposed the AS because Israel is and has been for a long time a friend and ally of the UK. To attack an Ally for no reason was silly. Well, we attacked, and we lost. All in all a stupid decision and not that much fun either.

9. Are u going to restore the relationship between eIsrael and eUK or u dont any plan to do that?

Our Minister of Foreign Affars is already working hard to repair the damage done by the Dictator, I hope Israel and our other allies realise that these actions are not representative of the eUK.

10. What do u have to say about the strength of eUK players here during wars? do u think eUK can take care of her self those days against another strong country?

The ever growing reality that the eUk does not have a lot of active and hard hitters the damage we can do is often limited and unco-ordinated. The only think the eUK really has to offer is its very good foreign Affairs which is why having UKFinest as Dictator is so bad.

11. Why eUK became under a control of a dictator this is necessary?

The Dictatprship occurred when one man with more moneg than sense spent a lot of real money to take over the country, the Dictatorship is not necessary and has achieved very little positive things for the eUK. I am firmly committed to restoring democracy because we do not need someone dictating to us.

12. Do u work together with UKs Finest the dictator of eUK or under his command?

In erepublik the Dictator has control of the buttons, so if UKFinest wants to do something then he can do it. That being said I will be arguing my case with him, and showing opposition to the bad policies.

13. Can u tell us how ur new government will work?

Hard. We will function the same as most governments just without any control of the administration page. We will still be negotiating with allies, publishing articles running projects and giving battle orders.

14. Can u please tell me about the relationship between eUK and eUS?

Well, the eUK is in the alliance Pacifica and the eUK are pro Asteria in its leanings. However under the Dictatorship who knows what UKFinest thinks about the eUS.

15. If u could change ANY THING in this game tell us 1 things u were pick to change and why?

The military module, I was never a fan of Hospitals for those who remember that module. But the game needs a way for countries to be more strategic in attacking and defending. The one thing the Coup of the eUK proved is that there’s no strategy involved if you pay a lot of money and press a button a lot of times you will win the battle. I’d like something a bit more dynamic.

12. What is your advice for the other president at Erepublik?

My advice to them is to negotiate and deal with me, UKFinest is not wanted by the majority of the eUK. I was elected with over 55% of the vote, so please to not associate his actions with that of the UK.

13. Before we end, do u have any message u want to send to our readers?

Thank you to those who voted for me, and strap in for a fun and exciting term.

Thank you so much for ur cooperation Mr Immanuel Kant and thx for agree to let me make this interview, i wish u the best of luck from here my friend.
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And always remember this: "War is done in a game, peace is made in reality"