Interview with AlexEstrella, CP of eMexico

Day 5,131, 03:19 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan
Dear citizens of eIreland and the eWorld,

Please welcome this interview with AlexEstrella, old friend and CP of eMexico in December.

First tell about yourself for those who don't know.

I joined Erepublik almost 10 years ago because one friend from Spain of other game called Stargate Galactic Commander invited me. I loved the structure of this game and I tried to specialize in the military module. Time gave me experience and good relationship with other players around the world and motivated me to join politics, congress member, MoD, and finally sometimes CP.

How did you leave the game and what made you come back?

The game turned to be boring and expensive. The same countries ruled the game since early years until now, many people left because of lack of entertainment, many of us got more negative emotions than good ones. One amazing guy has been working and understanding the complex game mode and tried to bring many of us back into the game successfully. We feel good, motivated and giving another chance to ourselves as a community.

I'm proud to say this is the first time that we are more united than ever. eMexico always has been under threats and stress, I honestly don't know deeply about Nebula things. I got involved again searching for the main issue that we have in the current situation. This reality is hard, but isn't unknown for us, many times we have paid prices that we don't deserve, and sometimes we do. In the end the most important thing is to keep improving things inside the Mexican community to have the conditions to answer our allies and friends as they deserve.

I was surprised to see eMexico did not have any president in November, what happened?

In November maybe apathy was at the highest level and nobody else except Serenity postulated for CP with noone else running in CP elections. We noticed that Serenity wasn't RL Mexican anymore and wasn't representing the will of the population, when impeach was approved nobody else took power.

Reasons to support impeachment were many. Allow to receive bad treatment from Ukrainians in the forced TW, trying to move us into an island without friends and allies except USA. This means to have our north neighbor as only friends, which friends are the ones that have occupied our cores, leaving us without TWs and congress. I don't like double morality, I have made some mistakes in the past and fortunately I have many comprehensive friends that help me a lot to build one way out of this mess.

eMexico is now occupied with multiple countries. What is the reason for their attack?

I don't know exactly why Colombian insistence is that hard. Certainly we know reading the past actions that they won't give a step back, and we won't accept insulting behaviors from them and Colombian allies.

What are the chances for liberation and who are the allies that can help?

Chance for liberation will always be, one way or another. We aren't closed to talk with anyone but phrases like "You are not in position to ask for anything" automatically block any attempt to resolve this diplomatically. I hate humiliating expressions as if this game just exist to get rid of how bad they go in their daily lives. I think that kind of actions don't help to improve the entire community.

We have many years of very good relationship with almost every CODE member. This kind of thing take time and circumstances. We were close to kick Ukraine, I don't want to mention one by one because maybe I can forget someone and wouldn't be fair.

I appreciate some USA intentions, but as expected they can't go against their own alliance.

I am very grateful with CODE making awesome rounds among the battles, that day we lose is the final result, but won a lot of fun and friends. Many of us were very excited watching every round like few times I have lived.

Receive that kind of support is priceless, the best part of it is that everyone watched who fought for us, and who did it against.

Introduce your government, who will be the ministers?

MoFA Yetlanesi
Prime minister She0l
MoD Salsban
MoE Gelisima, Bankaraoke & God Erebus
Governor Zakamoto

Many others will be helping with specific activities.

Nice to see you back in the game, and I wish you and your team many success for December, success with the liberation, and many fun for the eMexican community!