Indian Government's response to Real Steel

Day 2,334, 11:50 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

1. Sad to see u go, but best of luck for your exams
2. Again, I hope u come back soon to take back your responsibility
3. I am in talks with the Croatia Mofa, so should have some news
4. Yeah that is the plan mate.
5. Working hard on that, but need volunteers.
6. Ananth is trying his best to do that.
7. We need to make friends, coordinate ourselves, and most importantly show damage. Sadly despite repeated appeals, no one cares much. Everyone comes shouting how we were rejected and how it is the government’s fault, but when gov asks for coordinated damage, #indianarmy is a ghost channel. Lots of ideas have been floated and tried. You are welcome to share any ideas you have mate.
8. I think point 7 above makes it pretty clear why we have no airstike. Show me a battle where we fight as a nation and not individuals and I will get u airstrike. With just about enough revenues to get 4 MPPs we need money for AS. And lastly we need support, do u think we have backing? Ofcourse there are views that we should go ahead anyways, it will bring some fun. Yes it will, we will have loads of fun for few days, and then we will be broke, diplomacy will be ruins, and succesive governments will take several terms to get us back on track.(sorry guys this is NOT travian)
9. Again ananth is working really hard on that.
10. Totally agree with that, listen to him guys.



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