Free gold is here, get it

Day 3,105, 21:31 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

Greetings Fellow erepubliKans

Answer the below questions and win 0.4 gold for each correct answer.

Rules are-
1. Only eIndians can participate.
2. After answering once you can not answer for 1/2 hours i.e. 30 mins, no matter the answer is right or wrong.
3. One answer per comment.
4. If someone answers more than one question in a single comment then none of his answers in that comment will be deemed valid .
5. Any comment which does not follow these rules will be ignored.
6. If two people answer the same question in a valid manner then the person whose comment is displayed before will be the winner. The other person must delete his comment(otherwise he/she will attract strict penalty) and can immediately answer another question.

*Terms And Conditions Apply

1. What has Eighty-eight keys but can’t open a single door?

2. What has a neck but no head?

3. A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?

4. What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?

5. What is round on both sides but high in the middle?

6. What is the center of Gravity?

7. What is next in this sequence: JFMAMJJASON_ ?

8. How many seconds are there in a year?

9. What 10 letter word starts with gas?

10. Why did the one handed man cross the road?

Questions still unanswered