False Advertising

Day 2,790, 08:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rory Winterbourne II

Lets take a look at this party,

From the outside, to new players, this looks like a fairly standard party. Advertising itself as democratic and ‘dedicated to equality’, whatever that means. It been known for a while Bruce controls this party with the British Army, the name and description are just a sham to entice new player into joining and this is my issue with it.

It’s currently a falsely advertised democratic void where potential Party Presidential candidates hope’s and dreams die. Every month we seem to see people waste there time writing manifestos in a party labeled as democratic only to find it's the complete opposite.

Today however, Bruce has actually admitted what everyone’s known for a while.

So why isn’t it named the British Army Party or something more inline with what the actual party is about? It could be the hapless William Ross is still labouring under the illusion that the party he founded is still his and not just a vehicle to allow British Army members to run for congress in. Or he’s in on it and posts random stuff about ‘fairness’ as a cover for the fact that the whole party is designed to trap new players into voting British Army members into congress.

While we're on the subject of false advertising how about this?

No mention that this is a political unit, just a generic name with enticements of rewards. No mention that come election time you're asked to vote for whoever Bruce wants in power. It’s not limited to the BDP either.

The name itself was chosen as a marketing strategy, the implication being it’s somehow endorsed by the government. Another tactic designed to encourage new players/voters to join and as a cover for the real purpose of the unit, to control UK elections.

You’ve come clean about how the BDP elections are decided Bruce, how about updating the party name and description to avoid any misconceptions? And that of the British Army’s while you're at it to include it’s politicking. Or is that a problem for you?