Doing something is always better than doing nothing

Day 1,075, 04:43 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
My name is Clopoyaur and a few days ago I have been named as Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea. However, this proposal made by Grease and accepted by me has raised a few questions and caused some riots among some eSouth Koreean citizens. This is why I want to clarify a few things.

Yes, I am Romanian and I came here a few moths ago invited by a friend. I was used in Romania with an active e-life: lots of news in the newspapers, fights, interesting things but I found instead boredom and 2-clicking: a dieing society.

Then I decided to try to do some things. I run for congress and won a place there. But there was still not much going on. The nation suffered because of lack of fights. From July to mid-October the nation had only 1 fight to test their strength (a battle with Japan).

So, I decided I can do more. I used my connections and managed to setup a deal between Romanian government and the South Koreean one and 4-5 days ago an MPP was signed. Guess what? From that moment:
- people started to write articles (pro or against Romanian MPP),
- people started to see that something is going on,
- people from sudden have a place to constantly fight and gather experience for levels and damage for ranks (even now there are 2 battles in progress)
- economy started to move as the goods were starting to sell.
- as you all see salaries were starting to grow also.
- and, maybe most importantly, many dead-citizens or 2-clickers came back to life.

Yes, I am Romanian and I also brought a few friends here to help me in my efforts. Since we are strangers here and e-South Koreea has a history full of PTOs attempts, is easy to assume that we are here for the same reason (PTO) and until proven differently we will be looked like this. We will try to prove different, but only time will show if we were good or bad.

As MoFa of South Korea I will continue to pursue nation interests in protecting its borders by having strong allies and maintaining close contacts with the countries from the area. I also understand the point presented by some citizens originated form Phoenix nations (like german JaFe or pro-russian Yonai, etc.) being against the MPP with Romanian since the South Korean allies so far were Pheonix orientated. I pay my respects for theirs activity in the nation so far but sometimes changes are needed. Phoenix or Eden, South Korea needs to be an attractive nation and needs to offer its citizens joy, fights and entertainment. I hope I will bring that.

Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

As a side note I want to announce that Allen Wells was appointed as ambassador of our nation in New Zeeland. If anyone else is interested in becoming ambassador of our small nation in other countries is more than welcomed to send me a private message.

eSouth Koreea Minister of Foreign Affairs

PS: Many of you dont know how to fight, so I will make a tuturial in the following days explaining how. I think it will be usefull