Cuban News / Noticias 4436

Day 4,436, 11:21 Published in Cuba Cuba by Isabel VI La Gobernadora
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Buenos días, hoy de nuevo presentando las noticias, nacionales, internacionales y personales (estas ultimas las mas importantes)

Ha pasado un mes desde el ultimo así que a lo mejor me dejo cosas, aviso.

Hubo una pelea interna entre varios tanques de cuba, y hemos tenido que buscar nuevas TW
El CP es aligual, nadie queria ser CP, y buscamos al unico pringado que queria una medalla de cp

El dictador es witch king, El tambien fue el unico que acepto ser dictador, los demas han huido corriendo de las responsabilidades
En un par de dias habra elecciónes a presi del partido Intenten no tovear al partido de los retards/ladrones plis, son muy pesados cuando lloran pensando que alguien les hace caso

Por la falta de TW, se negocio y acordo TW pingpong con Mexico, Turquia, Usa, España, Portugal, Nigeria, Israel... Y aun seguimos buscando mas TW porque si no algunos lloran
Hemos firmado MPP con canada, para que nos den pasaportes y nuevas identidades

Se propuso un ataque aereo a belaruss, dado que lanzaron un AS a nuestros aliados de israel nosotros respondemos a ayudar a nuestros aliados, no como esos judios que apoyan a trump
Toni pidio nudes a mixliarder El fuego del placer esta bien prendido
En busca y captura viva si puede ser de kronor, sigue desaparecida, y ya hace 2 meses que no se sabe nada sera que esta esquiando en las llanuras de tallin...
Se creo un doc para ver quien estaba mejor y peor en los rankings de orion, el resultado fue que de fuerza, estamos todos muy iguales, pero de rango y visas, hay mucha diferencia, siendo canada la dominante en tierra, y paises bajos la dominante en el aire Cuba no llega ni al 10% en terrestre

Sabéis lo que cuesta que tu barra de energía no se llene? no verdad? pues darme las BH cabrones, que solo pensais en vosotros y vuestras BH
naboal esta on fire, ha intentado quitarme como 4-5 BH, y no ha conseguido ninguna Luego ha usado sus multis para intentar sacarme alguna BH, pero tampoco ha podido
Shooting down the plane was great, it was a national security risk, I was adviced by Counter terrorist intelligence agency. We make the world a better place. It's great. Thank you - Shawtyl0w hablando sobre si hubiera sido trump quien hubiera metido un misil al avión con gente inocente.
Van der kaczy ha ofrecido a vambola vikat su pareja a cambio del tractor de este.
Realmente la actividad ha sido una mierda este ultimo mes, dado que ha sido navidad, y ni dios se pasaba a hablar en los chats
Hicimos un spam a usa junto a estonia, para que rentaran el grano a estonia no funciono, y USA nos dijo que esperaban mas seriedad de nosotros
Este mes hemos negociado mucho con turquia, por el nap, al final aceptaron que pudieramos hacer TW con portugal y españa, y nosotros aceptamos mover a turquia a western cuba
A vosotros os pasa que después de la navidad no tenéis dinero para nada?
Karlo nos ha pasado toda la serie de star wars mandoloria en un link no se como se llama la serie exactamente, pero lo unico que se es que es un pirata
El girona este año fatal, no subimos a primera ni de milagro

Good morning, today again presenting the news, national, international and personal (the latter the most important)

It's been a month since last so maybe I leave things, notice.

There was an internal fight between several Cuba tanks, and we had to look for new TW
The CP is aligual, nobody wanted to be a CP, and we are looking for the only one who wanted a cp medal

The dictator is witch king, He was also the only one who agreed to be a dictator, the others have run away from responsibilities
In a couple of days there will be elections president of the party Try not to touch the party of the retards / thieves plis, they are very heavy when they cry thinking that someone pays attention to them

Due to the lack of TW, TW pingpong was negotiated and agreed with Mexico, Turkey, USA, Spain, Portugal, Nigeria, Israel ... And we are still looking for more TW because otherwise some cry
We have signed MPP with Canada, to give us passports and new identities

An air attack on Belarus was proposed, since they launched an AS to our Israeli allies we respond to help our allies, not like those Jews who support trump
Toni asked nudes to mixliarder The fire of pleasure is well lit
In search and capture alive if it can be of kronor, it is still missing, and for 2 months now that nothing is known it will be that it is skiing in the plains of tallin ...

A doc was created to see who was better and worse in the Orion rankings, the result was that of strength, we are all very equal, but of rank and visas, there is a lot of difference, being canada the dominant one on land, and the Netherlands the dominant in the air Cuba does not reach 10% on land

Do you know what it costs for your energy bar not to fill up? right? then give me the bastards BH, who only think of you and your BH
naboal is on fire, has tried to take me away like 4-5 BH, and has not got any Then he has used his multis to try to get me some BH, but he has not been able to
Shooting down the plane was great, it was a national security risk, I was adviced by Counter terrorist intelligence agency. We make the world a better place. It's great. Thank you - Shawtyl0w talking about if it was trump who had put a missile into the plane with innocent people.
Van der Kaczy has offered Vambola Vikat his partner in exchange for his tractor.
Actually the activity has been crap this last month, since it has been Christmas, and not even God was speaking in the chats
We did a spam to USA with Estonia, so that they would rent the grain to Estonia did not work, and the USA told us that they expected more seriousness from us
This month we have negotiated a lot with Turkey, for the nap, in the end they accepted that we could do TW with Portugal and Spain, and we agreed to move Turkey to Western Cuba
It happens to you that after Christmas you have no money at all?
Karlo has passed us the whole series of star wars mandoloria in a link I don't know what the series is called exactly, but the only thing I know is that it is a pirate
The Girona have a really big problem this year, we did not climb to first nor of miracle