Congress voting records updated!

Day 4,720, 13:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

Use this to decide who to vote for in your party primary (if you have one)

The wooden spoon goes to
Lord Harambe .. who has not bother to vote at all
He even failed to vote on a pointless impeachment that he himself proposed!

Runner up is Overloaf UKRP who managed to vote only once for his 5g

the WRP is the only party to have a100% voting record

The toing the party line awards (for all voting the same way)
This goes to the WRP as all their members of congress toed the party line
The TUP scored 8 out of 11
The UKRP scored 2 out of 9
The goats 3 out of 5
And the pirates scored nill as it was difficult to find a pattern
Darth Maul is now know as hodag (or Mel Morris)