About irish military junta, democracy and future

Day 3,281, 13:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Fenoglioteam

Para mis lectores hispanohablantes: Esta vez no hay versión en castellano. No es más que un texto de política interna irlandesa y no me da tiempo a traducirla. De todos modos, dudo que a muchos les importe, pero si hay alguno, que pregunte y le hago un resumen 😛

For everyone else, well, when I got up today I didn´t thought about bothering you all with an article about politics, but here it is. Blame Don for making me write.

An irish song to start:

Military junta

Well, if you haven't done yet, you should read Sluagh´s last article. It´s the base of mine and really interesting if you want to know more about how Ireland is governed.

I don't want to start philosophising about freedom and things like that. I think that this isn't the correct way of ruling a country and I'm going to explain why. First of all, let´s see what´s the military junta.

Experienced players, funds the costs of the state, maintains stability… Sounds great, Am I wrong? Oh! “Has the ability to reject motions proposed by the Executive as they see fit as these proposals may appear counter-productive towards eIrelands route of prosperity” In other words, what people says when they elect a CP or a congress is just nothing. We (the dictator/ high members of the junta) decide what we want and Ireland obeys. Ofc, we are making Ireland great again. Or just controlling a country without responsibility against the people?

What people decides in eR? Just two things: Congress and Government. Sometimes we vote someone who ends disappointing us, but people has the power. If we don't want someone in charge of our country, we don't vote him and it´s done.

We don't have a Congress, but there´s something similar: the Dublin commune. Not bad, in my opinion. Having a place where people can explain their ideas is great, but there's a big problem: they are just ideas. If the dictator wants, they follow them, if not, just forget about changing something you think it can be better done.

And finally we have the executive (my favourite part of the article). “It is a level of Government in which players are granted the chance to learn more”. Yeah, you are CP. You have just completed the tutorial of irish erepublik. I have been speaking with Don tonight and he explained me that the idea was making the CP honorary, a way to say thanks to players who have worked for eIreland.

Am I the only one who sees a tyranny here?

I understand that some CPs in the past have stolen, but well, it´s “normal”. Everywhere there is people who seems to be truthful and in the end defraud us. But, in my opinion, we can only do one thing about them: take care when we vote. Never vote someone because you like his name or avatar (yes, I have heard that), or because someone has told you to do that. Investigate and vote those who you trust, those who you think that will do a good work, those to whom you could lend your money without being afraid about losing it.

My solution

Well, I think I have been enough destructive till now. It's time to start with my solutions.

First of them: Democracy. Go back to the old system. Full parliamentary, with a government elected by the people and limited but a real Congress. Funny and interesting, at least in my opinion. But well, a bit risky against MTO, no? (I'm not gonna speak about that 1kk cc for the return. It is as easy as giving dictatorship to a multi and then saying Plato that it is a multi. Some countries have done that before).

And then, we have my favourite option: constitutional dictatorship. We have dictator, yes, but a dictator elected by the citizens: Our CP. And we also have a real parliamentary system. We can create monthly masspms with every (no 30. EVERY) irish citizens and decide there. No just give ideas, vote them and force our CP. The CP should be the executor of people decisions, not a tyrant who forces his decisions to the citizens.

It´s not an easy option but it is the most interesting one. And creates real activity. Some time ago we had this in eParaguay and it worked great. Every player felt part of the community since they see that with their vote, can make things happen. Is this real in eIreland nowadays? No unless you are part of the junta.

Honestly, I´m not gonna spend my elife under a military junta. People wants fun. We want, we need, real activity. Trust me, there will be problems, but we will be able to solve them all together. We are enough stubborn to make this work.

I´m Fenoglioteam. I have always been a politician and I´m proud about that. Please, stop before starting throwing stones.

Monty phytons forever.

We, the politicians, together can do more than tanks. I have seen politicians getting milions for COs just with their words. I have seen politicians creating alliances that people thought that were impossible.

Ireland, there are more things than medals and strength in eRepublik (hi Duhr. If you read this, comment and you will receive a gift 😛). Try and see how, together, we can improve eIreland. You won´t regret.

About irish military junta, democracy and future


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