[MoFA] The battle of Kaliningrad

Day 1,225, 04:04 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Back2black

Dear warriors, dear friends,

Yesterday, we have witnessed a change in the course of history, a change in the course of friendship. If we are going to look at the past, we’ll see that countries which were once fighting against eachother have managed to fight side by side against a common enemy.

I was glad to see that the we have all managed to surpass our egos and realize that friendship and fighting for a common goal is more important than any political struggle. We have managed to leave the past where it belongs: in the past. Times have changed, countries have migrated from one alliance to the other, and strategies have changed. Romania and Russia have been enemies in the past – this has changed. Russia has been allied with Hungary and Serbia – this has change😛 yesterday, old friends fought against eachother. The Polish and Hungarian tanks have hit Russia very hard, leaving the Russians with no doubt that there is any in-game friendship and solidarity left between these three countries.

Yesterday Romania was fighting in the battle of Transilvania against Hungary. Even though this region was important for us, we have decided to help Russia in the Kaliningrad battle against Poland.

Why have we decided to help Russia?
Times have changed and our nation would like to prove to the Russians that Romania has moved forward from the past battles and strategies. Russia does not pose a threat to Romania and it is not a country we are interested to conquer or fight against. As our close allies and friends were fighting by Russia’s side, we only found it normal to be by Russia’s side too.

What have we done in order to help Russia?
We have gathered some of our strongest tanks and moved them to Russia to fight in the battle of Kaliningrad. Budgets were rather tight, as we’ve had our own battles in which we have spent a lot of resources, but nevertheless, Romania has managed to help Russia with more than 500.000 damage in the last battle for Kaliningrad. I would like to personally thank our warriors who have shown maturity and devotion towards a friend in need.

What could have been avoided?
We have lost a lot of time with moving our tanks. The tanks were fighting in our own battles as well, which meant we had to find the best moment to move them to another country. The damage could have been higher and maybe the battle could have been won if our population could have fought in that war. That battle didn’t even appear in our main page of battles, and as a result, most of our citizens were unaware of its existence.

With utmost respect,

peach, Romanian MoFA