Write For Daily Eleven and Get Paid

Day 4,476, 02:14 Published in USA USA by David Toe

We create an opportunity for you all around the world. It’s as much as easy for you to make an awesome article. One of our editors will contact you if your article meets all the criteria. After that, we will pay you $1000? to your account. Therefore, you are keen on sharing your own renal and get paid $1500? for each article.

Provide the readers the full accurate information in many different fields related to Political, Economy & War in eRepublik.

What We Publish
We always propose that your articles are made with authenticity and credibility.In article your name will be mention with link. So The reader can know who write this article and who you are. This is first Job Opportunity about newspaper in eRepublik.

How to Submit
If you are ready to write for us, please contact us via msg: David Toe I will contact you if the article comes up to our expectations for publishing. On the contrary, if the article is not published, please feel comfortable to submit on other media.

How to pay
When the article is published, we will carry out paying via Account.
David Toe (Chief Editor @ Daily Eleven)