Election Interview with Socialist Freedom Party | Day4476

Day 4,476, 12:36 Published in USA USA by David Toe

We expect to get at least 15-20% of the vote and that will mean we should have 7-8 congressmen or so.
- Max Planck(President |Socialist Freedom Party)
Congress is the main legislative body of eUSA. It is the place where elected candidates for Congress decide about political, military and economical future of a country by proposing different Laws. As you all know, the election of the Congress is near. Our news department has interviewed Socialist Freedom Party about the upcoming congressional election.

Daily Eleven : Hello Max, I'm from Daily Eleven. May I have an interview about upcoming congressional election.
Max Planck : Why of course. Shoot 🙂

Daily Eleven : The congressional election is near. Is your party ready for the upcoming election?
Max Planck : Yes of course, we’ve just opened our party primary and are taking a vote now to elect our congressmen.

Daily Eleven : What percentage do you expect to get into Congress?
Max Planck : We expect to get at least 15-20% of the vote and that will mean we should have 7-8 congressmen or so.

Daily Eleven : If your party has any laws that try to change in the coming legislative term in the coming congressional term?
Max Planck : Not that I can think of, we usually coordinate our congressmen in a group message in-game so that could change once we’ve got everyone together.

Daily Eleven : What is your view on the current government?
Max Planck : I’m neutral toward it, I haven’t been impressed by anything yet and I’m having a hell of a time figuring out where the actual work the administration is doing is taking place (what discord rooms, telegram room, group messages are being used by the executive) speaking with the cabinet members the administration is loosely working together and basically just focused on TWs and publish an article once a week or so. Overall it’s a bit disappointing. -no hard feelings for anyone involved though-