Daily Eleven interview with eU.S. President Baby Groot | Day 4,474

Day 4,474, 12:56 Published in USA USA by David Toe
By Daily Eleven
We will present an interview with Mr.President.

Daily Eleven : Generally, Do you think we have won war,Mr.President?
Mr. President : Im not sure of which war you are talking about .. Our personal war here in eUSA or alliance war ( CODE vs ASTERIA) .. I'll reply to you with this answer.. ASTERIA dominated many smaller countries for a long time.. When CODE was created, They managed to free some placed that were occupied for long and overcome ASTERIA forces. Now, With token.. the game seems to have find some sort o balance.. WIth the Greek boycott, ASTERIA have gain a little bit of momentum.. So war is never really won 😉

Daily Eleven : Do you like war, Mr.President?
Mr. President : I got to say.. War is what make this game entertaining in the first place... the eternal war in the balkans ... Old super powers from Europe.. War is what drive people to spend money.. to invest huge load of time in the game.. And is the only face of the game admins seems interested in anymore... because that's what brings them money.. Here in eUSA, we are not the super power we used to be back in the old days..but we have a huge advantage on every countries in the eWorld.. 50 regions that can be used for training war.

Daily Eleven : Can you say that the situation is good between Congress and Mr president?
Mr. President : Well , for my part, I think is important that executive and congress keep a minimum of communication ... In my personal opinion.. All the meta game.. is well.. obsolete.. Game move fast, decision needs to be taken fast sometimes.. The Potus doesn't always have time to wait after congress to debate or discuss.. But in the mean time.. Transparency is important when the country is on the line.

Daily Eleven : During the term of President, What policies will continue to be set for the country?
Mr. President : Well, the main policy we have right now is the work with our allies to put damage where and when needed. The CRAP program is great for eAmericans to have a return of money daily! This will definitely stay ! And for the Training wars.. I will always be in favor of them since it help everyone in eUSA to have opportunities for farming and collecting true patriot money!

Daily Eleven : During the term of President, Will the war of territorial expansion continue?, more than territorial defense battle.
Mr. President : like i mentioned in the previous question, expansion war is a very dangerous way when you dont have the military power to support it. We work with allies more in stuff we can actually have an impact... Draining damage, region swap .. sometimes air strike to land elsewhere in the world to help allies. The number 1 currency in the world right now is Damage...

Daily Eleven : What would eUSA be without war. Mr.President?
Mr. President : Without war, eUSA would be like it was 24 months ago... dying, people leaving.. in a perma-wiped states.. War bring people, people bring activity in the community.. So, I guess we cant afford to not have wars 😃

Daily Eleven : Thanks for your time, Mr.President?
Mr. President : you're welcome!
Daily Eleven