Business and Finance in Erepublik

Day 3,828, 14:50 Published in USA USA by Nikos X

So everyone is trying to make some money in Erepublik, woring the normal hours then the extra, producing some food,weapons, houses or aircraft ammo in order to get rich.
But is it better to hire people or not? This is a huge important question. So the last month I decided to start hiring and start working on my house building business. What I've realised is that you need to have some backup money in order to be able to pay your staff until the end of the building. In order to be able to make some huge profit is to have multiple building businesses at the same level and the most expensive supplying company. You see if you'll get the most expensive you'll be able to produce more supplies with less staff, and if you have multiple building businesses at the same level you will have higher staff limit on the company while building and finish way your product way faster. By limit I mean that for a 2 star building company you can use only two people, if you have more 2 star companies you can use 2 more people per company.
So if you want to have profit you need at least 2 or 3 building house companies at the same level, and the highest building supply company. You'll be able to increase your money quite fast, but the problem is that you'll always need to check the job posts and increase your staff's salary. You'll always have people who will quit just to get a higher salary. Also don't forget to double the daily income per person, if they own a house they can work double hours (more staff points). Finally you have to check if your products were sold, if they didn't you';; probably need to delete them from the market in order to sell it again with lower price.
In the end if you have time to check your profile quite often per day you should hire people and go into the business, if you want to earn less money and have no cares don't hire anyone and level up your food and weapon companies. You'll be able to increase your salary slower but steady.

P.S. This is clearly my opinion and what I've found out through my personal experience.