Black and White

Day 3,028, 04:42 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Ahsan

Dearest Citizens of ePakistan,
Respected Friends and Allies,
eRepublik - The New World.

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't being said. The art of reading between the lines is a life long quest of the wise.

I am writing this article with some facts and figures not clearly been told to dearest citizens of Pakistan and of course I mean Pakistan not those imported ones who brought in here just to take over Pakistan, make money, steal golds from treasury and run away.

Some people here are so busy doing propaganda against the Rental Agreement made between Pakistan and Bulgaria just because they're not getting opportunity to show-off themselves and pretend as loyal citizen. After so many attempts were made now they started crying on the streets about the money which I received from Bulgaria.

I am surprised to see they're crying over 30,000/- (thirty thousand currency) and making our people fool without showing them the other pictures about those efforts have been made for betterment of this Country.

Just because, things always messed up and reason ends-up with Pakistan/Bulgaria relationship so lets end this chapter for once and all because I am sick of answering and giving justifications every time on same thing.

Relationship with Bulgaria
Pakistan and Bulgaria relations started during the Presidency of Muz1 and we came into rental agreement of our 2 core regions i.e. Balochistan and NWFP, for these regions Bulgaria was agreed to pay rent of 15000/- currency each for both regions hence 30,000/- on monthly basis. So lets follow the statistics and find out how much we earned and how much we spent till now.

People who are busy in barking in the dark shadows of the dirty streets, the amount I received since we are into agreement is 180,000/- CC.
The accusation against me that I used/spent this money to build my economic empire, ARE YOU SURE 180,000/- CC could help anyone to build an EMPIRE?

Just for readers information here, I was in USA 15/15 bonuses with my Q7 weapons, Q5 foods and multiple RAW companies before I returned and I could make double of that amount and enjoy my luxurious life but I left that place because my people need me here not the unwanted-foreigners for CP medal.

People here can see and find the difference from that time I entered in politics and now, How much currency and golds in our treasury that time and now.
From 21,000/- CC and 450 Golds till 134,000/- CC and 480 Golds - OMG! I am such a bad thief.

To keep our soldiers active we planned to start Resistance Wars so our people will be able to get medals such as TP, BH, CH. By the end of November 2015 Bulgaria agreed with Pakistan to taking responsibility for starting RWs for TP battles. Tell me about the money I spent in RWs 152,000/-CC from where it came from? Sky Perhaps!

Total 15 MPPs were signed since then and each MPP cost 10,000/- CC. So 150,000/- CC has been spent.
Oh yeah... that was money rain again!

If I am a thief, I could have taken all the currency and golds from treasury and escape to 15/15 bonuses country to build my DAMN ECONOMIC EMPIRE!
Feel free to see Laws proposed on Country Administration page if I ever touched the treasury in my 3 months of elected government.

Note: If I missed something or mentioned inaccurate figures kindly do let me know. There is nothing in the middle now, things are pretty much clear; either BLACK or WHITE.

No matter if children grows up, father is always a father.


Citizen of ePakistan.