Baby Groot in the Oval! The Team Feb. 2020

Day 4,455, 16:07 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

Glorious morning to all eAmerican!

As promises, I present to you the Team I've choose to run our beloved country for next month!

I want to thanks the WTP party for the Endorsement! I'll try my best to not deceive you guys!

Just a little side note I want to clarify here. Seems like some people like to wash their dirty laundry on the National feed. My hope, If elected, is to solve this kind of feuds in PM or on Telegram to avoid polluting the National feed with personal issues between individuals.

So now, The Team!

Vice President: shiloh13

We had our difference of opinion on many subjects in the past and I think this is a good thing to have people with different opinion when time come to debates on sensitive matter!

Minister of Defense Still undecided! Sent few offers to people I think would be great in this seat!

Minister of Foreign Affairs: zTRx

His contacts all over the eWorld are an gigantic value for our foreign diplomatie. He served several monts as CP so he knows all you needs to know on how to run the show!

Minister of Interior:Herr Voostman

He and Miesha will keep the CRAP stuff running smooth and keep distributing money to people who sign up on CRAP post on National Feed!


Againts all odds, he did an amazing job over the past 3 months as President of eUSA. I highly value his competences and opinion on politics and I believe he is good to keep close!

eMurica needs someone active to lead them! I'm that person!
The election is in 5 days! Remember to vote what ever choice you make!