An Interview, a Man, a Future President

Day 4,730, 01:08 Published in Belgium South Africa by OKayOK

I recently had the opportunity to interview an amazing eBelgium player by the name of Killah Bee. H.O.P.E is proud to be putting this exciting player forward for Country President, and look forward to his revolutionary and progressive ideas.
What is your history in eBelgium? Have you always been here or do you come from another eCountry?
I started this game in eBelgium. Already 10 years ago. I have been dead for several years and came back to life now 2 years back. I stayed in eIreland at that time and eRussia for a while. When I saw that some of my old comrades were active within the HOPE party, still unknown to me, I returned. It was a happy reunion.

What was eBelgium like when you first started playing here?
Belgium was not what it was now 10 years ago. We had a lot more activity then and a less Elitist character than the last years. The players were also more at the same level as now. Of course, there were power-hungry people at the top with those who want to share in power at their feet. On the other hand, there was a strong opposition that I wanted to be a part of almost immediately. We also had cooperative companies where we produced our own weapons and food, without anyone running away with our profits. The name of our party and cooperative was LCC which stands for Libertarian Communist Collective. Our party was connected with many other communists and anarchist parties in the eWorld, we worked together under the name Red Brother Hood.

How has it changed, and what do you think changed it?
The change is due on the one hand the greater difference in rank/level and on the other hand to the reduced activity. There are also more 2 clickers than before. The consequences are that we are not improving and many people are leaving the game. There is no more evolution, no change. Only those in a high level seem to enjoy getting virtual medals, even in DIV 1, DIV 2 and DIV 3 they are present, which makes people in a low level totally chanceless.

If you were to become country president, what would be the major change to the way you run the country compared to the current president?
The biggest changes will be that I would never decide on my own or let the government decide on its own. Every major decision will be presented to the entire population. Of course, you cannot do this for urgent matters, for this we count on the government to intervene. However, a transparent and open policy is a must. The new government will be obliged to make every decision they make or wish to make public. We are opening the doors of the government and we will demolish the back rooms.
The various programs that run will also be given a more progressive character. We want to do everything we can to put Belgium on the map and make it an attractive place.

How would you use taxes to benefit the country?
The income of our state should be used for solidarity purposes on the one hand and military purposes on the other. The solidarity part serves to attract players and help them with food, work ... whatever is deemed necessary.
The military part serves to purchase weapons. To maintain the production of weapons and food for our armed forces and to keep the various programs running

How would you support growth going forward?
First and foremost, we need to make the Belgian market attractive again. With Hope, we have been denouncing the fact that there has been almost no purchasing behaviour for some time. According to us, this is due to the high taxes. Our government claims that this is not the case and that we need high taxes to run the programs. This reasoning is quite absurd, because if you don't sell anything, then you don't get any taxes. We must equate the taxes in Belgium with those of other similar countries, we must ensure that people who produce things do not have to go abroad to sell it.
Only in this way can we obtain growth.

How do you plan to structure the government if you win?
It is important to have the right person in the right place. In any case, we need people with knowledge in this matter. People with experience. On the other hand, we also need critical people, people who think further and have ideas and plans. These 2 together provide the perfect mix for a government. That's what I'm going to do. Both old and new people will be elected. Without renewal, the old cannot evolve and you will remain stuck in a conservative monstrosity, which is what we have now.

What do you believe eBelgium has to offer to those who wish to come here?
At this moment? Nothing, except that we have a very strong and super nice opposition. What will the future hold? Only the gods know that.

Do you believe that eBelgium can truly be rescued from the clutches of inactivity and stagnation?
That will mainly depend on what the Erepublik managers are going to do. In any case, we do our utmost to keep it pleasant here.

What would you say to your fellow countrymen to encourage them to build up eBelgium again?
Participate in all the different programs. Get involved in politics and or use your creativity. There's more to this game than just 2click.

In terms of global politics, would you plan on forming new friendships with other countries? If so, who do you have in mind?
The ties we have with other countries must certainly be maintained. Where possible we can expand it. I have not thought of anyone specifically. Everyone is welcome to me.

Do you believe that eBelgium could ever find a home in an Alliance, or is the time not right now?
If it were up to me, we were already there. I am not the person that runs away from hostility or run the other way when faced with an obstacle or problem. Obstacles are there to overcome and problems to solve. In any case, we will work on that and we will look at which problems and obstacles lie in our way.

Anything else you want to say to the people of eBelgium
Make your voice heard. Even if you don't agree with us, speak up and join the many conversations that will follow. Your opinion and criticism are very important.