A discussion on eUSA and alliances (a response)

Day 5,021, 21:43 Published in Switzerland USA by Herr Vootsman

Here are my answers to questions posted in this article.

I am sorry for the delay, but defeating all the CODE invaders was fairly time consuming.

So, for the e-USA's diplomacy/stance with CODE and asteria, i asked :

1a: why did you guys joined CODE?

To start – I’ll summarize a little bit of history, at least how I remember it. At the start of 2018, eUSA was in Pacifica and enjoying our 100% bonuses, and largely ignored on international scene. In what ultimately turned out to be a foolish move – eUSA (under President Pfeiffer) launched a failed airstrike on a Croatian colony in Thailand. Shortly thereafter, we found ourselves invaded by Croatia supported by Colin Lantrip, and then Asteria joined in. We managed to piss off both sides – Pacifica did try to help at first – I recall Poland landing quickly and Hungary joining, but pretty soon it seemed clear that our allies weren’t going to win against Asteria, Croatia and their friends.
It was out of this, that CODE was formed, with eUSA joining (as founding members) with one of our occupiers to fight off the other occupiers.

1b: were you good members of the alliance?

Yes - eUSA worked with our new alliance, CODE, to drive Asteria from our cores. If I remember correctly, it took until April 2019 until Asteria was fully expelled. We hosted them on our Cores for TWs

1c. did you do your part while in CODE?
I think we did our best -we certainly weren’t in a position of power when we joined, so it’s not like we brought with us a lot of firepower

2) before joining CODE, what were your relations with asteria? was e-USA pro-asteria? anti-asteria? or in a different path?

My perception was that Pacifica – was “neutral” but half, lead by Poland leaned more pro-Asteria, while the other half, lead by Hungary leaned more anti-Asteria. I’d say we were in the pro-Asteria camp (at least prior to getting invaded by them), but it should be noted that while the people in power wanted to push the country that direction, a large portion of our players had connections to various anti-Asteria countries, or fondly recall fighting with Croatia against Serbia back in the day (myself included).

3) instead of begging to become a member of a ruthless alliance such as asteria, why not return in your old alliance (Pacifica) and to strengthen your own alliance into a medium-power group and into a formidable defensive alliance instead?

Less than a year after we had recovered our cores, we were again invaded by Asteria. However, instead of allied support, this invasion was met with a Pack boycott (I believe due feeling cheated by Token market – don’t remember the exact details). Perhaps we should have waited it out (which is actually what I had suggested at the time), or perhaps we could have looked into Pacifica. The perception in eUSA leadership at that time was the CODE was happy to have eUSA on their side, but that we were not a priority for them, and weren’t going to be any time soon. They had been pro-Asteria prior to the invasion in 2018, so really when USA left code and signed NAP with Asteria, it wasn’t the huge flip-flop everyone made it out to be.

4) as far as i recall, e-USA used to be a long-time member of the ''pacifica'' alliance, along with many strong partners.
what were your relations with asteria while you were in there? pro-asteria? anti-asteria? or...?
and why did you left pacifica in the first place?

Somewhat answered above, but I think we were in the pro-Asteria side of Pacifica, and we left because Pacifica was unable to liberate us (against significantly stronger forces). USA has generally remained friendly with it’s former Pacifica allies – and some like Colombia have joined Asteria with us.

Final thoughts:

I can only speak for the decisions that I've made while in power (for the last 6 months), but I think we chose wisely.

Russia was invaded by Ukraine and Turkey, and Pacifica was unable to defend them. Russia ultimately joined CODE in order to become liberated.

I did not beg to get into Asteria. I did everything I could to make eUSA into a country that Asteria would want to have in its alliance and that is what happened.

I also did not beg for a NAP with CODE after they invaded and occupied our cores. I am glad I didn't. The constant fighting of the last 6 months has made eUSA so stronger than before, and had we instead accepted NAP, we may have had freedom for a short while, but I suspect with Croatia again on Pack boycott, we would again be wiped by Asteria, with noone to help defend us.