[TC][#24][PD4CP] Interview with PimpDollaz

Day 4,483, 03:10 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung


[TC][#24] Interview with PimpDollaz (PD4CP)

I took some time today to interview Country Presidential candidate PimpDollaz. PimpDollaz has been around since 2009 and has lived through years of eRepublik struggles and eUS governments. Now, as Pimp runs for president, the public should know a little bit about who they might be voting for.

If there are any questions that you think I should ask that I didn't let me know or feel free to ask Pimp in the comments below.

Without further ado, -A Q&A with future president PimpDollaz-

*The crowd gives a standing ovation out of fear of getting milk-shaked*

Q: Howdy Pimp, How's it going?

A: Very well, thanks. Fighting the good fight, how are you doing these days?

My Response: I'm doing well, been very busy working with the SFP as Party President.

Q: So my first question is what will be the status of our training wars when you become president?

A: I think we need to re-examine their priority in regards to how they fit into whether we help our allies or not. I’m in favor of helping CODE, but I’m not going to stop the TWs either. I also think we need to re-examine who we have here and why we “think” they are here. When Poland came, the official line from the administration was that they were a “neutral” country despite being in Pacifica, a different alliance as well as previously having Asteria MPPs. That’s not exactly neutrality. We might be being too clever for our own good, so you have to ask yourself why certain countries want to be here

Q: What are your thoughts on the recent change of our Malaysian training war from Minnesota to Wisconsin?

A: Well, if I remember, we’ve used Wisconsin before with Saudi Arabia and also recently Poland if my memory serves correctly, but it’s part of those states we put aside for that kind of thing. It also illustrates a President who is out of touch with the people, as they essentially forced him to change the venue because he didn’t consult with them first and they got angry at losing their ability to work. But, there are actually a couple of bigger issues here. Firstly, the lack of communication from our executive about these sorts of things, but more importantly the fact that Malaysia is essentially Romania. All of their leaders are Romanian, so it’s an Asteria puppet country. I don’t know if there are any Malaysians actually playing. In the event that Asteria makes a move on us, they already have a foothold here, but we think we’re using “mechanics”

Q: Any concerns on Peru attacking our last foothold in South America this morning?

A: Yes, we’ve been bounced from South America now, but I think again that communication should have been way better from the executive. Instead of an article or a forum post, we had people fighting in TWs

Q: What advice would you give President Groot on coordinating with our allies and training war partners?

A: Actually, I am glad that you asked that. The advice would be not in regards to what we are doing with others, but what we are doing with ourselves. For instance, we had a situation recently where our MoD got drunk and missed the cutoff for requesting funds for Fly by Prio, so Congress had to take it upon themselves to bail them out with an emergency vote for funding. First of all, this is highly unprofessional behavior from our executive, and secondly, they or the President did not even have the courtesy to thank us for making things easy on them. This shows an utter lack of respect on their part. So never mind how we talk to our partners when our leaders can’t even have some basic decency at home to begin with. In addition to that, they don’t even bother to let Congress know what is happening with regards to our allies, in-game votes and things of that nature that they should be on top of, but clearly aren’t. We all have no idea what is going on and we keep having to ask for explanations when they should be upfront about what’s happening so we don’t have to. The President was also not on task with our Canadian TW and attacked the wrong region. That’s just highly disrespectful to our good partners who work very hard for us and are doing us a massive favor by hosting us in their valuable regions.

Q: Would you support an impeachment of president Groot if we continue to see mishaps in the executive side of the government?

A: Yes, his disconnect with both the people and with Congress should concern everybody who cares about this country. We have just a few days left in this term however, so I encourage people to vote for someone who is invested in our country flourishing and not just barely scraping by and disrespecting everyone

Q: As president what sort of programs would you ask Congress to fund?

A: Well, as I mentioned in my last article


the CRAP program is doing quite well, with more people signing up than ever, so the dividend per person goes down. We have a big bankroll we are sitting on, so it would be a good idea to put it to use. Our country will be stronger if the people are using the money rather than it just sitting there idle. So my idea is to increase the funding so everyone can get a little bit more, and the country benefits

Q: Do you have any strategic goals on the battlefield yet for when you become president?

A: I certainly do. I promised in my last article a variety of things like keeping the TWs going, helping CODE, making epics and also a small campaign of our own. Y’all should check it out and give it a read if you haven’t already

Q: Have you spoken with any of the major foreign leaders inside of CODE?

A: I have, but I can’t reveal any of that, because of politics. As an aside, I can say that the President of Turkey and I go way back in this game. He actually dragged me along to Turkey a very long time ago and we were in an MU called United Aggression. Great times. That was when Turkey was a massive power. I moved on to the US, but he’s obviously still there running the show, so.......

Q: How will you communicate with eUSA?

A: It will be a combination of in-game media, newspapers, national feed, PM threads, forums, and Discord. Since our allies are on Telegram, I will use that as well

Q: Thoughts on the past few administrations? What do you believe they did right and where did they fall short?

A: Well, I liked the fact that CG started out in his first few weeks publishing on a regular basis. The writing wasn’t the greatest, but I’m fair and I’ll give credit where credit is due. The problem is that the updates soon stopped. Then he made very bad decisions like inviting Poland into our cores, attacking London and embargoing our great ally Ireland. These are not the actions of a competent leader. Groot was enthusiastic, but green and in way over his head. His communication and his administration’s communication as previously mentioned is very sub-par. There is a reason why his articles receive such low vote counts. I also find it very curious how well his English has dramatically “improved” over his past couple of articles.

Q: Will you be seeking nominations from other parties? If so which?

A: Yes, I have contacted a number of parties to get their endorsement. I also see that the WTP had already endorsed Groot before I sent their PP a message. I am left to wonder why their primary is not open to public scrutiny. Their PP publicly stated that the WTP already supported Groot before I contacted them, so I question their “process”

Q: Why do you want to be CP?

A: To make this game more fun and engaging for old and new players alike

Q: Could you tell me a little bit about yourself in real life? Who is eAmerica voting for?

A: Yes, I work for a custom woodworking and upholstery shop and I rock climb for fun in my spare time. I have played this game for over a decade, so I’ve pretty much seen everything there is to see in eRepublik

Q: Will you have the time for this job (as it is quite demanding) and who will be working with the executive to help you run the country?

A: Yes, I will have time and I have a great crew to work with me. I will be letting everyone know about that in an article to come out very soon

Q: Do you support the use of eUS forum by Congress?

A: Absolutely. That’s where we keep all of our records for posterity. Having a robust debate ensures that we make the best decisions possible. Don’t get me wrong, in-game PMs are great for time-saving, but the true machinery of government has always and still takes place on the forums. You can’t replace that for permanency. I hear the arguments that many other nations don’t use forums and I get that, but at the same time, we have to do what is right for us. Forums are a way to preserve public record-keeping of how the executive and congress function, including a history of the subversives among us.

Q: How can we as an eNation retain new players?

A: We need to provide multiple reasons for them to stay and get involved. So if elected I will take a multi-pronged approach that will involve the military module, as previously mentioned, increased handouts and a revamped media, including contests and games

Q: How will we deal with Asteria?

A: We will have to play the alliance game and coordinate with our friends around the globe. Someone recently had the idea to attack Serbia, but that would have ended very badly for us, as the retribution would have been exceedingly severe for us to deal with. But there are a multitude of options available for us to get involved with our alliance right now to confront them, so keep a lookout for that. We will see what our friends need and go from there.

Q: And lastly, when you win do you think you will run for a second term?

A: Stay tuned for that 😉

How did you like the interview? Any question you think I missed that should be asked? Let Pimp and I know in the comments!

~Chairman Max Planck~