[MoF] Buy British / Donations Schedule

Day 6,030, 02:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England


If you regularly buy CC off the monetary Market then this article is for you. (It is also for you if you are expecting to be a Congress Member next week!).

What follows is some advice on how you can help everyone when you make a CC purchase. It just involves looking for UK orgs to purchase from.

Profit from your Purchases

We have began the Citizen Dividend. This Dividend sees all the profits made from trading currency on the Monetary Market given back to you, the public!


Currency offers are listed at the same price for pages and pages. A few clicks through the listings to find a UK org will literally put money in your pocket. It’s worth the clicks!

To help you locate an org to purchase from to drive up the value of the Citizen Dividend, we have listed some of our favourites below:

Searching for one of these orgs to purchase currency from will help generate profits for the MoF trading team, which will be sent to active citizens at the end of the next rewards window.

Do it!

Donations Schedule

Congress propose Donate laws, and as such the Government and Congress are invited to suggest the schedule for those donations. I have suggested one below which will put the right funds in the right orgs to pay for our programs. It is really important we are clear about where our donations go and how the money in those orgs is used. This aids in transparency around spending and clearly sets out what Congress can expect from our cash.

These donations are based on our income, so I have done some work to show you where it comes from! Two charts tell (almost) the whole story - tax based income in green (showing the last two months) and the last 30 days of of TW debt accrued by the eUK (which enters the treasury and is sent back to our TW partners).

Last 60 Days of Tax-Based income

Last 30 days of TW Debt

These determine our donation schedule - income is drawn into orgs to fund our programs, and the debt is returned to partners either directly or via the Bank of England.

In order to arrive at the below donation schedule, I have looked at the eUK’s income streams (Tax based and TW based). I have taken the averages of the last 10, 20 and 30 days and used these figures to estimate how much income will be generated by these channels over the next 30 days. This is how I have arrived at the figures for donation schedules over the last 6 months, and has been an effective estimate of our income over that time.

Estimations of Treasury income - data correct as of 22/05

Rounding down on the number of donates, any TW partner due 2 or more I suggest Congress donate directly to. Any beneath that we can manage centrally, as at the moment most of our TW partners only accrue a tiny amount of debt day by day.

This month it is likely we will need around 19 donates to liquidise the treasury. The destination of those Donates and the purpose of them is listed below. As the eUK Home Office is flush with funds and we are not running blanket donations from it, I have suggested 0 donations this month.

Proposed donation schedule

The above donation schedule uses the projected debt position for Ukraine as we are paying them via Congress donates which will conclude in the next couple of days.

Thanks goes to Congress for considering this schedule of donations.

Thanks for reading everyone, and remember if you are buying currency on the MM - Buy British*!

*Buy United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (not as catchy).

Mr Immanuel Kant (MoF)
Mr Woldy (CP)