[Govt of eBelgium] Ministers reports...

Day 1,233, 06:19 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

[Govt of eBelgium] Ministers reports...

As a final presentation of what the government has done for you this month, I have asked each minister to give a small report about what he or she has done during my term. It has been an honour for me to work together with these people!

Ministers of Foreign Affairs : Mittekemuis & Chris Stanwick

Foreign affairs was, again, exiting to do this month. Especially with ThomasRed as president. We worked well together.
I may have not been so visible this month because the work in our embassies got a bit sidetracked but on the diplomatic front there has been done a lot of work.
My daily talks with the eastern Europe countries have been proven useful. They know their friends and acted accordingly. We(the MoFa team) have been putting eBelgium on the map by making friends. Chris has done so across the ocean and me somewhat closer to home. Jamster737 on the other hand has been helping me with the boring stuff like writig rapports and so...

I have been minster of foreign affairs for 3 months now, I enjoyed every minute of it but now it is time to let a new member of eBelgium enjoy this department. I will be here to help and introduce them to the right people if they need me. 😉

A quick word of thanks to our ambassadors and the ambassadors from all the countries who have an embassy in eBelgium. I know you think it isn't much you do but it is valuable to the ministry. Even when it is only looking up cabinet from the other countries so that the minister just has to look who to talk too. Thanks you very much. (Mittekemuis)

Minister of Defence : Temujin094

The army have transferred over to a commune system this month allowing them to get more food and weapons to fight for Belgium at the same usual cost as before. The main highlight of the month has been fighting against the UK in the past few days and i would like to congratulate the BAF on the way they fought against the UK. I would also like to thank High Command, Thore and Medrolke this month for there help as well which made my job a lot easier. 😃

Note (from the President) : and we also had 15-20 days of training wars with the eNetherlands, which offered daily NE bonuses to our soldiers and an economical boost to our country.

Minister of Finance : Jofroi

Due to the huge amount of MPP and of the devaluation of the BEF, the money stock of eBelgium has gone down a lot this month. The investment in the company of ThomasRed has also cost us some money.

However the generous donation of the congress members (120 gold) has helped to lower the losses to around 10K BEF and 60 gold. We should use the following month to rebuild back our stocks, specially with the current low value of the BEF.

The monetary market has been devaluated a lot so as a MoF I've stopped the politic of stabilization of the monetary market.

I've however kept the country daily balance sheet up to date to have more information about the evolution of the reserve and to allow more transparency. I can hereby announce that the last month, the state has earned an average of 610 BEF/day coming from the different taxes.

Some other debates about taxes has been settled during this month and a proposal to fix the monthly donation law to the MoD has ben voted.

And at least there is the stealing lame prank. Won't say much about it anymore.

Minister of State Companies : Slivever

The new unified inventory and money system have been a nice upgrade for the State Companies. The Q3 Food company, Quality Chocolates, have been re-openened during serveral days, and have provided foods to the Army at a special price. If some jobs offers were set up at first, the company have close his doors to not "steal" workers to the private company owners.

Then, the grain company from eBE Raw have re-opened too, at a small scale, to see if it was possible to earn some money with it and provide cheap grain in eBE. It's important to remember that all companies on our state organizations don't and will never have the production citizenship bonus of 25%, which make a important difference.

Minister of Home Affairs : Fhaemita Malodorous

Ministry of Home affairs was a bit of a weird term because the minister was appointed halfway true this term. With only half a term and with lack of staff and lack of activity with some of my other staff. Wiki pages where updated, but the history pages of Belgium still needs some work. Bertie Ahern was the state secretary of Immigration was mostly inactive this term and the Minister jumped in the last week and took over Immigration, in the Fun department with the lack of a state secretary nothing happend, and in department of Education Elynea did a good job with contacting new players and writing a couple of usefull articles in the Belgium Media. It maybe wasn't the best of terms, I'm hoping for a better month upcoming month If I will be selected as Ministry of Home affairs again.

Minister of Justice : NLSP

The constitution is now in a phase that it can be voted on. We have a draft with a reduced amount of gaps, that is an improvement on the current version but has no drastic changes (as in the very start, months ago, the way of working was agreed on).

Further was this department full time busy with pointing Government members, Congress members and citizens, why some actions are pointless and will be unconstitutional, and advising some people about what are the boundaries of our laws and what they can or cannot do.
A failed attempt to get a congress mascot was done.

This article will be the last one published under my term, as a new President have just been elected few minutes ago... I would like to thanks all the citizens and friends who have showed their support to this government during all this month !

L’Union fait la force ! Eendracht maakt macht ! Einigkeit macht stark !

President of eBelgium