[Govt of eBelgium] Belgian bull has balls !

Day 1,227, 12:11 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

[Govt of eBelgium] Belgian bull has balls !

Dear fellow citizens and readers,

Yesterday, the eUnited Kingdom have proposed eBelgium as Natural Ennemy, and one question have rised : why ?

According what we can read in eUK, they wanted a direct war and EDEN didn't let them attack Ireland, to not drain damage between TERRA and EDEN. Even if China (EDEN) declared war on Japan (TERRA) lately... So they had only one solution, to declare war on our country eBelgium.

We can read now that they are looking after our fruit region, to gain a production bonus. Just before this version, they said it was a training war, that we didn't have to worried.

But none of these reasons are true... eNL, a "friend" of eUK, had training wars with our country, the most perfect training wars ever set up in eRepublik, with two small countries, no mpp, few damamges, actives president, etc... By invading us, the eUK are not only destroying eBelgium, but they also destroyed the eNetherlands, which needed these NE bonuses with eBelgium to rank up, get stronger, and offer a boost to it economy. Now it's over... And the eNL is now alone, in a country divided in two part, with no wars and no NE bonuses.

Here you can find the reason of the attack of the eUnited Kingdom : they "wanted" to try to free the eNetherlands from ePoland. Last week, eBE and eNL have been invited to a meeting by the eUK. They asked us to NE them, in order to let them take Flanders and to attack Poland after. A proposition that we refused, and we explained why to our NL brothers. If TERRA want to free the eNL, they could have just fight in the rw they started last week, but it was only used to drain damages. To free them, they don't need eBelgium, who try to remain a neutral state, even if Panam/TERRA have invaded us twice in a month. Our country desserve respect !

Just after the eUK have declared us as NE, they told us we don't have to worry, that we will be free'd soon, that they just needed to erase us to be able to propose a new NE. But what they didn't expect, is our reaction !

Belgian bull has balls ! That's why we decided to not let them trample our sovereignity, while they attacked use without our consent... eUK thought they will erase us in 2 days, without any opposition : they now have to face our soldiers, our friends, and different MPPs : Poland, Spain, Hungary, ...

How did the UK reacted when they saw these mpp's ? They came to Poland to tell them they were signing a mpp with us based on belgian lies, that they never wanted to attack Poland, they even proposed to Poland to plan some projects together for the future, that they only wanted some fun... I read that eUK didn't get the balls to attack Poland, and it seems it's right.

They wanted some fun ? I guess they can have now much more fun than expected ! eUK was surprised of the Belgian reaction, and asked Poland why they care about us, and that they didnt know they were interested in eBelgium ...

What they have been told ? "Winner wins first, then goes to battle, looser goes to battle first and then thinks how to win" (Sun Tzu).

The eUK government have trully disapoint us with this declaration of war, and they also shown they didn't care about the eNetherlands, and even less to their own allies. While all TERRA's countries are loosing ground, except Brazil, the United Kingdom decided that the most important was not to support their allies through mpp, but to open a new front and to drain damages ! Only for electoral purpose ? I hope not... Especially when i see that many UK citizens are not supporting this war.

You now have some more informations about this eUK/eBE war, and i will conclude by inviting all of you to a big party in London in few days (no worry, Belgian food) !

We will meet on the battlefield...

To all Belgians citizens : before to fight, it's very important to read the Citizen Orders published by the Minister of Defence. Please subscribe to this newsapaper : Citizen Orders ...

L’Union fait la force ! Eendracht maakt macht ! Einigkeit macht stark !

President of eBelgium