[DICTRAKTOR22]Dang Nabbit!

Day 3,920, 15:39 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Alfa UKSF

Can you believe it's been 22 days of the most fun and active the UK will be this year?

Rather then easing myself towards the goal of 30 days and a super shiny medal followed by a rapid bank raid and a lulz DoW of Poland before I ran away - I instead find myself having to do super serious stuff with the incoming Resource and Determination rules.

and admins whimsical, periodic release of actual semi-detail that throws all previous plans into the trashcan and raises even more questions.

So, just a random assortment of news as I head back to the drawing board in the cats lair.

In local events the recent visit from my Jewish brethern has run its course and the UK map will shortly be returning to its normal position of us up North, Croats on the West and Lithuanians on the East (pending new rules).

The 'big' global event is the USA deciding that having been wiped for it's flip-flopping, arrogance and generally being a bad ally is to leave its current alliance of Pacifica.

Seemed a bit of a kick in the balls for Pacifica given their last attempt at helping to free America got most of them invaded and Finland to this day is still lacking her only resource region.

The US president gives his take on it here - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-usa-the-pacifica-epilogue-2677589/1/20

I'm sure the 'Muh Democracy' guys are all over it with ambassadors and shizz but doesn't make a great deal of difference to us at this point in time.