[無名報]肆柒刊:最後的平成愚人節(April Fools')

Day 4,150, 03:00 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding


On this April Fools' Day, if you kill enough enemies to finish in Top 5 Damage of any battle, you’ll receive a number of energy carrots.


The number of carrots received is based on the numbers of kills done in that battle and the position in the Top 5 Damage at the end of the battle. Each carrot recovers 50 energy units.

收到的蘿蔔數量取決於該戰鬥的殺敵數量以及在戰鬥結束後的排名位置,每個蘿蔔能夠恢復 50 點能量單位。

Rewards for Top 5 Damage placement:


1st place 2 carrots every 10 kills
2nd place 2 carrots every 12 kills
3rd place 2 carrots every 15 kills
4th place 2 carrots every 18 kills
5th place 2 carrots every 20 kills

第一名 2蘿蔔/10殺
第二名 2蘿蔔/12殺
第三名 2蘿蔔/15殺
第四名 2蘿蔔/18殺
第五名 2蘿蔔/20殺

Each carrot recovers 50 energy units and will expire on Day 4,161 of the new world.


For an April Fools' Suprise become the Battle Hero of the losing side!
相關報紙:2018愚人節 https://www.erepublik.com/tw/article/-april-fools--2668170/1/20

R15→令和15年。 (・ω・`)