立法院 (國會) 公報第6號 Legislative Yuan Gazette No.6

Day 1,135, 12:51 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by EROC MOH

Serial No. 20101230
本周已結案法案 Ended Proposal This Week

與e南韓和平案:總統 Ronia 於 2010 年 12 月 28 日提出與e南韓和平案,為臺韓換地案的結束。最後結果以 26 票贊成通過。稍後e南韓總統 Clopoyaur 也提出了和平案,但由於有e南韓公民在全羅北道起義,因而以 8 票贊成 14 票反對否決此案。

The peace proposal for eSouth Korea: the President Ronia proposed a peace proposal for eSouth Korea on Dec, 28, 2010, and it was accepted by 26 accepted legislators. Later, the President of eSouth Korea Clopoyaur also porposed it, but it was rejected by 8 accepted and 14 rejected legislator because of the resistance war of Jeollabuk-do which was hold by some eSouth Korea citizens.
本周進行中提案 Running Proposal This Week

一、第2次宣布e南韓為世仇案:總統 Ronia 於 2010 年 12 月 29 日重新提出世仇案,應付全羅北道起義事件。

1. The 2nd natural enemy of eSouth Korea
the President Ronia proposed it on Dec. 29, 2010 to solve the resistance war of Jeollabuk-do.

二、立法院長選舉:總共有現任院長 PTTz、Ddfish 和 Chihtuci 參選。

2. The election of the President of Legislative Yuan
PTTz (the 2nd President), Ddfish and Chihtuci are the candidates.
正式立法委員宣告 The Announcement of the Official Legislators

第 3 屆立法委員在 12 月 26 日結束選舉,選出 26 名立委,並有 25 名立法委員簽到,依法宣告為正式立法委員。Darrel Anderson 2 立委由於不熟悉中文,已經通知補簽到。

The 3rd Legislators Election was ended on Dec. 26 and produced 26 legislators. 25 legislators signed on the erep.tw, so these legislator are the official legislators by law. Darrel Anderson 2 will be noticed to sign later because of the unfamiliar Chinese.

正式立法委員名單在以下網址可以查詢 The following is the list of official legislators:
名詞釋義 Nouns Explain

1. 立法委員=議員 Legislator = Congressperson
2. 立法院長=議長 the President of Legislative Yuan = the Speaker of Congress
3. 立法院=國會 Legislative Yuan = Congress