Sometimes Cake Isn't Delicious (Inane Thoughts, Day 1,240)

Day 1,240, 09:33 Published in USA USA by Chutley

Five Thoughts

1. Why do we call unwanted emails “Spam?” They usually make no sense, so I call them baloney.

2. Cake is almost always delicious. There is one exception:

URINAL CAKE! Don’t eat that.

3. I think the best thing about porn is how pornographic it is.

4. When you have to screw in a light bulb, do you ever think "shit, how dumb am I if this doesn't work?"

eRep Thought

5. I’d like to be able to challenge someone to a duel. First up – Gnilraps. I’ll see your 16 and raise you 5 shells.

Caveman, OUT

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