Kabine gorevinden alinmam ve eTR ye elveda

Day 5,771, 16:08 Published in Turkey United Kingdom by eerte

E-tr halkina duyurum:

Bugun yasanan olaylari kaleme almam ve bunu objektif bir sekilde gazetemde sunmam Tuzgunn hukumeti tarafindan dogru bulunmamistir:

"benden habersiz neden makale açıp ve bunu ingilizce yazarak tüm dünyaya duyuırdun? Kabine görevin varken"

Baskanin mesajina cevaben bunu kabine gorevimden bagimsiz bir biçimde yaptigimi ve gazetemin bagimsiz oldugunu açikladim.

Sonuçta kabine gorevinden alinmis bulunuyorum: https://www.erepublik.com/fr?viewPost=25382926

Beni gerçekten sasirtan bu olay ile sizlere bakanligimin ikinci gununde elveda ediyorum. Tuzgunn hukumetinin (= ben + Tuzgunn ve bot hesaplari) boyle bir olayi ortpas etme tesebbusunu etik bulmaz iken, yasanan olaylar ile birlikte bu oyunun artik gerçekten ahir zaman donemine girdigini tasdik ediyorum.

Bununla birlikte sahsimi eTR ye baglayan birsey kalmamistir. Kisa surede baska bir ulkeye vatandaslik talebi yapacagimi da buradan duyururum.

Herkese tesekkurumu borç bilirim.
Vatana millete hayirli olsun.

To the citizens of e-Türkiye:

My coverage about today's events and presenting them in an objective way in my newspaper was not considered right by the Tuzgunn government:

"why did you open an article without my knowledge and write it in English and announce it to the whole world when you have a cabinet post?"

In response to the president's message, I explained that I did this independently of my cabinet position and that my newspaper is independent of politics.

As a result of my journalist activities, I have been removed from the cabinet.

With this event that really surprised me, I say goodbye to you on the second day of my ministry. While I find it unethical for the Tuzgunn government (= me + Tuzgunn and Tuzgunn's bot accounts) to attempt to cover up such an egregious event, I confirm that this game has really entered the end times.

With this, there is no longer anything that binds me to the eTurkey. I hereby announce that I will apply for citizenship to another country as soon as possible.

I owe many thanks to everyone.
Good luck to the country and the nation.