Thank You! And Announcements!

Day 969, 17:10 Published in Philippines USA by Jelly9473

First off, to poke some fun: What the Admins were doing, instead of fixing bugs

Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me (even though I was running without competition) to be the next PP of Bayanihan 😃

As party president I plan to do my best to ensure that members are ready for anything, participating and knowledged on what the party is doing.

If you are interested in running for congress from the party of Bayanihan please PM me or comment below and I will set you up with a region to run from 🙂 To draw votes I will choose our best known and most experienced candidates to run from Palawan, so that we can gather the optimum amount of votes.

I apologize if you wish to run from there but are asked to do so from another region. If you do not wish to run, but would like to volunteer your vote to help the party gain seats please send me a PM or comment below as well and on election day I will let you know where we need you!

In other news:

Negotiations with eIndonesia and other Asian countries including thailand, singapore and malaysia in the interest of a NAP (Non-Aggressiona pact) Or, possibly a defensive pact are going very well. I am pleased to have spoken with both the MoFA and President of eIndonesia, including many other citizens who all seem excited to bring an end to the violence and become friends with our neighbors in Asia.

I hope that within a week we may have this idea formalized and signed so that we may begin moving forward with our relations as friends, rather than enemies.

- - Signed, Jelly9473, New PP of Bayanihan and MoFA of ePhilippines