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Evening Muse.

About Me & My Plans

12 Дан 5,937, 21:49 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To be completely honest, I think this is my third "I'm back!" article in the last 4 years, which is a bit rich considering I seem to forget about the game after small 3 … Види све »

The Price of Dictatorship

37 Дан 5,934, 07:01 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rican has been a friend of mine for a very, very long time - in fact, almost for as long a time as I … Види све »

Cheap aircraft are finally here.

6 Дан 5,055, 03:18 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Финансијско пословање Финансијско пословање

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Four weeks ago I purchased a Q5 aircraft manufacturing company in an effort to not only reduce the cost of Q5 aircraft for Swiss citizens, but to also provide high paying jobs … Види све »

Cheap aircraft are just around the corner.

15 Дан 5,032, 19:11 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Финансијско пословање Финансијско пословање

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my short time since I have returned to eRepublik I realised that not a lot has changed since I left. The game is still very much a pay to win model, smaller countries are … Види све »

The Story of the Swiss Community (Please join the Discord!)

16 Дан 4,972, 01:17 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Ladies and Gentlemen,

eRepublik for a lot of us is the first online community we ever joined. My conclusion drawn from discussions over the years with hundreds of different players is that they … Види све »