Time for Change

Day 5,422, 22:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Are you getting a little weary of seeing the same old material being churned out by our beloved Keith - titular self-appointed leader and mouthpiece of the TUP?

Is the recycling of the ‘Do not waste your vote’ line becoming repetitive?

If so, you can register you view by Voting for any other party than the TUP - and pick up an easy FIVE experience points for casting your vote

Whilst we would never wish to tell you which Party to vote for, we would suggest that the United Kingdom Reform Party (UKRP) is a pretty good choice. Our membership are refreshingly normal - not into bondage, cross-dressing or getting involved in pointless bait-a-thons within the in-game group channels. We also serve the best cocktails seen within any of the UK Parties.

With a full card of TWELVE Congressional Candidates this month, a vote for UKRP will not be wasted!